Chapter 24

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Hello, my little chocolate chip cookies! ^^ I'm doing much better and I can write again properly! Thank you for all the support, I love you all! ^^ And thanks for all the comments, votes and reading this story!


Journey back to their tavern was quiet and not the kind of silence Freed enjoyed with his Thunder God. They had stepped out of the tram car and even Felix was being unusually quiet all the time. The rune mage sighed, holding his son's hand as they kept walking towards the Dancing Nope.

When they arrived, there were already a full hassle going on.

"You can't name your tavern as Dancing Nope if you don't even have any meaning for it, baby!" they heard Bickslow's voice first when they stepped in the building.

"I'm the owner, I can name my tavern whatever the hell I want", the owner guffawed happily.

"That's just not right! You should at least have some pet spider here or something! Or did you fight off some big ass spiders before you could move in here?"

"Big ass spiders? Here at the middle of Crocus?"

"You know, maybe they were big enough so you had to use a broom..."

"Now that I think about it, there was few really big spiders when I bought this place", the owner said scratching his big beard.

"We should sing a ballad!" 'babies' giggled twirling around the owner. "A great hero story!"

"Now that would be something!" the owner laughed.

Freed smiled when hearing his friends laugh. Maybe it would help them to take their minds off of all the things they heard from Lucados and Ivan.

"You came back", Ever smiled when she noticed them heading towards their table. "Oh no, did something happen?" she asked when seeing Laxus' face.

"Somewhat", Freed sighed letting go of Felix who ran to Bickslow and the seith mage lifted him up. "We should talk about that later", Freed said and he was glad that it seemed like Felix managed to forget some of his scare, laughing when 'babies' came to babble something for him.

Ever looked concerned, looking from Laxus to Freed.

"Seriously, what happened?" she asked a little bit lower so only they could hear.

"Nothing", Laxus grumbled.

"I'm not buying that."

"We got new information", Freed explained. "But it might be better to discuss about it once we're back in Fairy Tail."

"We should leave today", Laxus said. "As soon as we hear something about Yukino and Minerva that they are doing okay."

"They are fine and recovering well", Ever smiled. "Sting and Rogue visited here while you guys were away. Apparently those bullets Emmett used were made out of magic sealings stones."

"So that's why it made Jish-Ahrna, Umanor and Valdeghar disappear", Freed said with a frown.

"Seems so. That Emmett guy is really dangerous if he has other weapons like that as well."

"Yeah, we should be really careful with him", Laxus grunted. "So now that we know the situation, we can leave this city."

Ever huffed crossing her arms, watching how Laxus and Freed went to tell others that they should leave. Now she was really worried what had happened, she had been against them going to see Lucados from the start.

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