Chapter 43

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And the story may continue again ^^ I'm feeling better, though things aren't yet quite clear but at least they aren't that messy anymore either. I'm more than happy to return back to writing this story and I'll try to update my Frufus story as well as soon as I can ^^

Thank you for your support, comments, votes and reading this story! I hope you're enjoying it!


It was dinner time when Freed and Laxus were finally heading towards the guild hall of Fairy Tail. They had taken a shower, changed clothes and Freed was doing his best to look absolutely normal. He was envious to Laxus who only needed to scowl and growl and people would leave him alone, thinking that he was angry and they wouldn't try to pry more. Usually that worked almost perfectly.

At least for now, until the season would end, they decided to keep their little secret all by themselves. Only problem was that Freed was terrible at lying, but as long as they would act normal maybe they would be lucky enough that no one would ask them any questions about the matter.

They arrived at the guild and opened the doors. There was a usual brawl going on and some of their guild mates were already drunk. Most of them didn't even notice that they had arrived and those who did just greeted them happily and returned back to whatever they were doing.

"Good evening, Mira", Freed smiled as they stepped beside the bar counter.

"Thank god, you're both okay", Mira said and she was really relieved. Of course they had heard from Bickslow and Ever that Yuidose had attacked! Sure, Laxus had called them before noon that they were both alright, but she had still been worried since they hadn't came to the guild right away. But when she was looking at them, she didn't notice that there was anything wrong with the rune mage and the lightning dragon slayer. They both looked well.

It was more like everything was a bit too well... Neither Laxus or Freed didn't seem that stressed anymore...

"Where's Felix?" Laxus grunted before Mira would start thinking too much.

"Oh, he's at the backyard playing with Chester and Vellanja", Mirajane smiled. "Levy and Gajeel are keeping an eye on them."

"Those two? I thought they would be too busy for that..." Laxus muttered.

"Gajeel said something about wanting to teach Felix something."

"The fuck? I'm gonna kill that metalhead once and for all if he teaches him something stupid", Laxus snarled and he stomped in the hallway that lead him to the backdoor.

"I would like to have some tea, thank you", Freed said letting Laxus take care of things.

"Coming right up, Freed", Mira said and she went to fetch hot water and a cup.

He waited and soon she came back, smiling all happy and gave him his cup of tea.

"I could have brought it to you in your table", she assured.

"I know, thank you, Mira", Freed said taking the cup and its plate.

"Now that Laxus is gone, would you tell me -"

"That's why I was waiting, now you have no excuse to follow me while I start walking away, not answering to any of your questions", Freed said as he turned and walked towards the stairs.

"Freed!" Mirajane protested and she was really disappointed. It was obvious that something had happened between Freed and Laxus! She wanted to know what it was!

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