Chapter 57

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Freed shut the door behind him and he looked at a calendar that was hanging on the wall. Today they would go meet Porlyusica as they had scheduled. They would finally have their answer. It had been roughtly three weeks since the mating season ended, around a month when they decided with Laxus what they would want. By now Porlyusica would surely be able to tell how things were.

Freed had just returned from making sure Felix and Theophilius would make it to Makarov's house. The old man would keep an eye on them until they would return back to the guild. As he came back, he saw Laxus already eating his breakfast and their eyes met, both smiling slightly as greetings.

When they had both eaten, there was no need to stay and wait any longer so they took what they needed and stepped outside, heading towards the big forest. They didn't have a specific time when to arrive at the cottage, but they knew that by now Porlyusica would be awake and she probably could guess that they would arrive as soon as they could.

They walked in silence, side by side throught the streets and both trying to relax but still feeling quite nervous. Both of them didn't really feel like talking but that was fine with them, they could stay silent for long times and still enjoy each others company.

Soon they arrived at the forest and followed the path you could only find when you knew where to look for. It was a familiar path for everyone in Fairy Tail and they all knew what was waiting at the end of it. And they weren't always that excited about it.

All the snow had disappeared ages ago and it was actually a really nice weather. Flowers were blooming, leafs were rustling because of a small breeze, the little creatures of the forest were letting out noises all around, everyone enjoying how it was such a warm day of spring.

They soon could see the familiar old cottage and Freed chuckled in his mind, thinking that maybe once again he would have to start visiting here regularly. Considering how none of them really liked to come here volunteerely, it was almost funny how he was hoping he would have to. Porlyusica could be ruthless, cranky and mean, but they knew she cared deeply of Fairy Tail and if really needed, she would do her best to help them.

Once they were at the door, Freed laughed when for a moment Laxus hesitated. Even the mighty Master of Fairy Tail hesitated to knock Porlyusica's door!

"Shut up", Laxus growled and he pounded the door with his fist.

"What do you think you're doing?!" they heard a shout from inside. The door was opened and they slightly stepped back, away from the angry healer. "Are you trying to break my door?!" she asked with a frown.

"Just making sure you could hear, old hag", Laxus grunted.

"I'm sorry, Porlyusica", Freed said quickly before Laxus would continue and maybe make Porlyusica even more angry. "Can we please come in?" he asked politely.

"Wipe your shoes", Porlyusica tisked, finally returning back in.

They followed after making sure their shoes were clean and stepped in the cottage.

"I'm surprised you two managed to wait until the appointment", the pink haired woman said. "Since Gajeel, Levy, Sting and Rogue have already visited me."

"Since we can't yet tell what is the situation, we thought it was best to wait", Freed said and Laxus rolled his eyes for the "we" part.

"You can't?" Porlyusica asked and now she looked curious. "Not at all?" she asked from Laxus who grumbled.

"Can't say", he confessed. "Maybe there's something slightly different with his scent but..."

"That's not good", Porlyusica snapped immediately and they both flinched. "You should have noticed it already since others know too."

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