Chapter 84

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When the huge airship steadily flew up after picking up everyone waiting near the ship, it wasn't definitely too early to happen. They were barely up when suddenly the purple quartz covering the sea shattered and like sparkly dust it vanished. The sea was free again and big waves quickly swallowed the abandoned ship into the darkness.

Freed hissed while sitting down and Hibiki was inspecting his broken hand.

"It will take time", he said and opened the first aid kit, taking out what he needed. "But it should heal and function like a normal hand again."

"I'm glad it wasn't my right hand, holding a sword with this would be impossible", Freed huffed and sneered when the disinfectant burned.

"That I can believe", Hibiki chuckled. "Would you mind asking Laxus to stop glaring at me like he might kill me at any second?" he smiled and Freed looked behind him, where Laxus was standing and staring at them.

"Laxus, behave, they are our friends", he scolded.

"It's like he's commanding a dog", Ren smirked and Eve chuckled, while Laxus scowled at them.

"He's just being cautious", Freed smiled amused and again he flinched.

"Stay still", Hibiki said. "I need to clean it thoroughly. I'm not a healer and I have only a little knowledge how to take care of wounds like this, but it should be okay until you can see an actual doctor."

"Wendy will take care of it in no time at all", Bickslow grinned. "How long will it take until we're in Magnolia?"

"A few hours at this pace", Ren said looking out from the window. There were dark clouds all around them but they had an excellent navigator and the best maps and all. This storm was nothing to Christina.

"A few hours?" Laxus asked looking at Ren. "Can't we get any faster? We have no idea what might be happening in Magnolia right now."

"We know you're worried about Felix and others, but we can't help it", Hibiki said when wrapping bandages around Freed's hand. "It's too dangerous even for Christina if we fly too fast at this weather."

"We'll be there as soon as we can", Eve nodded. "Don't worry."

"That should do it", Hibiki nodded when he tied a sling for Freed.

"Thank you, Hibiki", the rune mage smiled.

"No problem. Bickslow, I'll see your wounds now."

"I only have a few scratches."

"Better take care of those as well", Hibiki said and the seith mage sat down.

Freed stepped beside Laxus who looked still annoyed, but he could see behind that anger and under it he saw how worried the Thunder God actually was. He couldn't blame him, he was worried too.

"We'll get there soon", he assured taking Laxus' hand gently in his own still functional hand. "You know Christina is fast."

"Yeah", Laxus grunted. He felt just a little bit nauseous, but not at all as much as he would feel in an actual ship. "I just hope Yuidose hasn't conspired something."

"We'll see it soon", Freed said. "Try not to worry too much."

Clear howls echoed through the town, preventing more ghosts to appear since they were sent back to Netherworld as soon as they appeared.

Felix panted and he wasn't sure how he was feeling. He felt tired and he was sweating, even though he wasn't really even doing anything.

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