Chapter 98

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Freed was holding Felix tightly, standing firmly on his feet and his other hand was still grasping the sword. The buzzing sound subsided and the air calmed so the rune mage opened his eyes to look around.

He didn't see their guild hall. He frowned and looked around more, seeing nothing but long red grass that was slowly waving because of light breeze. Freed narrowed his eyes and turned his head, but the red hay field continued all around them.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking at Felix.

"I'm okay", Felix said but his voice was trembling. "What was that?"

"I'm not sure", Freed sighed and he lowered his sword, but didn't sheath it yet. It was better to keep it out just in case if something happened.

He lifted his gaze and saw how the sky far away looked turquoise, but it turned darker and darker the more he looked up. He saw stars twinkling and they seemed to move slowly.

"Where's dad?" Felix asked with a sniffle and he was looking around too, but he saw no others. They were standing all alone on this scary looking hay field that looked like it was covered in blood.

"I don't know", Freed said. "But we will find him and the others if they are here."

"If they are here?" Felix asked now scared. "What if they are not here and we're alone?"

"Don't worry, I've gone through things a lot scarier than this", Freed assured with a calm smile. "And we'll find dad. He is definitely looking for us too. We should move to some place where we can see more", he said and started walking towards the hill.

Laxus opened his eyes, ready to let out his lightning at any second and he quickly looked around. He frowned when instead of seeing his guild mates and their guild house, all he saw was a forest around him. Well, not exactly a forest though. Instead there were huge ferns growing all around him along with mushrooms and vines. The mushrooms were tall like trees, covering the dark green sky with their caps and only a little bit of light could come down from the stars that were moving. Not that it mattered, since when Laxus' eyes adjusted more, he could see how some of the smaller mushrooms were actually glowing in the dark.

"The hell?" he grunted. This place was like something out of Bickslow's head. And speak of the devil...

Laxus sniffed the air, but he hardly even had enough time to recognize the scent when suddenly something swooped right towards him.

"Baby! You're okay!" Bickslow howled relieved when hugging the lightning dragon slayer tightly.

"Get the fuck off", Laxus snarled pushing Bickslow, but getting him off wasn't that easy.

"Man, it was scary! All those dragonflies and they just wooosh! All came to us and then we're all separated and in this weird place!" the seith mage shouted and he finally let go of Laxus. "You're the only one I can see around. I don't know if I'm happy or nervous because of that, but I suppose we can't get more lost..."

"If you're not fine with me, find your own way out of this forest."

"I guess it's better if we stick together no matter what... What are we gonna do?" Bickslow asked worried.

"I'm gonna find Freed and Felix", Laxus growled determined and sniffed the air.

"I could guess that but what about others?"

"We'll think about that later. Freed is the one who knows best what we should do in this situation."

"I need to find Cana, Chester and Roscoe too!"

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