Chapter 31

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Freed looked at the clock on the wall. Almost noon. Only few minutes left. He had to be honest, he really was getting nervous. This wasn't just any ceremony, but his and Laxus' wedding. It was... Still so unbelievable to even think! It just felt like he might wake up at any moment and everything – everything! - had been just a big dream. A wonderful dream that would leave him heartbroken in a moment when he would wake up.

Freed jolted when a big hand touched his shoulder and he looked at Laxus. The blond man smiled slightly, as if he could see right through what was going on in his mind. He gave Freed a slight nod, like with only that he was saying "I know, I feel the same but this is true. All of it."

Freed smiled and he nodded as well. This was their moment. In front of their guild, their family, they would make promises to always love, respect and trust each other. They were already a team, best friends, partners, soulmates, parents, family and now they would be husbands as well.

The rune mage looked around as they were standing near the doors. All the tables had been removed beside the walls and were full of all kinds of amazing foods and drinks. It was really a handful of trouble to keep Natsu away from all of that. All the chairs were assembled in the middle of the Hall, facing towards the platform made by Gajeel with his iron magic. It was amazing how detailed and even delicate looking carvings there were, since when you saw Gajeel you wouldn't exactly imagine him being much of a sculptor. But still, the platform was incredible and the top of it was covered with hoarfrost made by Jish-Ahrna.

Freed smiled when looking at the demons who had joined them as well, sitting on their own seats and Jish-Ahrna was enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. One by one, as the clock ticked on towards twelve o'clock they all found their places and sat down talking with each other. Evergreen was still making sure of the last things, Felix was sitting and waiting for his turn to bring the rings, Chester was sitting with Cana, Roxanne and Roscoe, Bickslow was pigging while eating a piece of pie he had managed to snatch from the table... Even Porlyusica was there, sitting on a chair at the backseats and it was really surprising. No one could have believed she would actually come.

Freed inhaled deep and tried to calm himself. He was nervous, he couldn't help it. And as he glanced towards Laxus, he could see how his jaw was clenched and as his arms were crossed over his barrel chest covered by the black suit, his index finger kept tapping against his arm.

Surprisingly, it was somewhat calming to see that Freed wasn't the only one nervous here.

The clock on the wall let out a click and it was followed by loud gongs as it hit noon. Everyone went silent and turned to look towards the platform where Makarov walked on. The old man looked around, happy to see his kids here to celebrate this occassion.

He smiled brightly to all of them.

"There are no words for how happy I am right now", he announced. "Not only is the Hall so beautifully decorated but for what occassion! To celebrate a ceremony that will join two of our members together!"

Others cheered loudly and Freed chuckled. Of course Makarov couldn't resist of making a speech.

"And it makes me even more happy that one of those two members is my own grandson", Makarov smiled fondly and Laxus grumbled something. "It just... Fills me with joy... That I could actually live long enough to see this day..." the old master of Fairy Tail stuttered as his eyes started to fill with tears and Laxus sighed.

"Geezer..." he grunted and Freed hold back a laugh.

"Ahem, anyway", Makarov said after wiping tears from his eyes and he cleared his throath. "Let's begin the ceremony", he announced and everybody turned to look towards Freed and Laxus.

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