Chapter 44

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The rest of the season was rather interesting for Freed and Laxus. They had to arrange things a little bit but they managed to get Makarov or someone else to look after Felix so they could have their own private time once in a while. They didn't mention what they were doing, but Freed was pretty sure at least few of their guild mates already knew what was going on. Mirajane was of course first one to notice it, then surprisingly Gajeel and Levy, as well as Makarov of course. The old man was thrilled but refrained from saying anything yet.

Once the season finally ended and the fog disappeared from their heads... Freed found himself from their kitchen in the morning, almost banging his head against the wall. They had given in to their instincts. Sure, he wasn't actually regretting anything, but now that all those horny feelings were over he could actually start thinking clearly.

Morning sickness. Bigger clothes. Things he couldn't eat or do. No missions. Mood swings. Getting so big he was the size of a house... Oh god, all those memories of how he had felt when waiting Felix suddenly rushed right in his mind.

Freed sighed and rubbed his face, trying to wake up himself with some tea since coffee wasn't allowed anymore. Usually he preferred having one cup of coffee in the morning and he rarely drank it other times of a day so it wasn't like he was a coffee addict, but now that he couldn't have it he was craving for it.

He heard steps from the stairs and looked at Laxus who came to the kitchen.

"Morning", the bigger man said and looked at the counter. "No coffee?"

"Brew it yourself", Freed muttered annoyed and Laxus lifted his eyebrow.

"Isn't it a bit too early for mood swings yet?" he asked and Freed groaned rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just... Suddenly remembered everything from last time", the rune mage said. "Luckily it should take still weeks before morning sicknes kicks in."

"We should ask if Porlyusica can make you some tea for that again", Laxus said and he sat down. "We have to tell her about this anyway, though I think she knows already."

"I'm sure most of them know", Freed said. "We haven't been as smooth with things as we want to think. Yesterday we just practically pushed Felix for Makarov to take care of and left the guild immediately..."

"I don't think he minds. It won't bother him to say if that's not okay. And Felix likes Gramps, I'm sure he was just thrilled."

"I really hope so", Freed said with a tiny chuckle and he stood up. "I should make some breakfast so we can head to the guild."

"Nah, let's eat at the guild for once", Laxus offered while giving a kiss for Freed. "How's that?"

"I'm alright with it", Freed nodded and suddenly they heard a knock from the door.

Freed stepped at the hallway and opened the door, seeing a blue white exceed waiting behind it.

"Happy?" he said confused and Laxus appeared behind him.

"What are you doing here?" he grunted.

"Morning Laxus and Freed", Happy said and he knew that even if Laxus sounded grumpy, it didn't mean that he was angry. "Porlyusica sent me to find Freed! She has ordered Lucy, Levy, Rogue and Freed to come and see her right now at the guild!"

"She ordered?" Laxus growled and now Happy got a bit worried if he would end up getting grilled by lightning.

"Please don't shoot the messenger!"

"So all the mates then. We better leave right away", Freed nodded, not caring Laxus' growls. "Thank you, Happy. We will go to the guild as soon as we can."

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