Chapter 72

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The path they followed was narrow and tightly tamped over time. It was supported by beams here and there to make the steps more even when the ground got steep. All over they heard animals and rustling and the shade made by plants made sure the air wouldn't get too hot.

Here and there, the path crossed and once the big plants changed into big trees with vines, they saw a lot more houses.

"So he lives here, huh?" Laxus asked as some kids ran past them, not caring about them at all.

"It does look like a really nice place where to live", Bickslow grinned looking around.

"The air is so clean", Roscoe smiled taking a deep breath. "It feels wonderful."

"Well you're such a sasquatch so no wonder you like forests."

"You're one to talk, you're taller than me."

"This must be it", Freed said and he stopped, them all doing the same.

There was a tall fence made out of bamboos. The gate was simple and they only needed to lift a ring made out of rope to open it. It wasn't locked to keep people away, but the animals and it got more than obvious why once they stepped in the big yard.

It was full of all kinds of herbal plants, vegetables and fruit trees and such. Whoever was the man who owned this place was definitely one of those who loved gardening. They did well and put the rope back on after closing the bamboo gate.

"I can see why Porlyusica wants herbs from him", Evergreen smiled when seeing some huge weird looking flowers.

"I have never seen even pictures of most of these plants", Freed said and he was definitely impressed. He had read dozens and dozens of books about herbal plants and similar so he knew what to do if someone of them got injured. Not that he was a healer in particular, but they all knew basics and he knew a little bit more than just basics.

But these? He could see it miles away that the one who owned this place was an expert.

"Hey, maybe it's Warrod?" Bickslow smirked.

"What?" Evergreen asked confused.

"Yeah! That old tree dude!" Bickslow cackled and Laxus smacked his head with his hand.

"That old tree dude is one of Fairy Tail's founders", the lightning dragon slayer said with a frown. "Show some respect. And he's working at Magic Council, why the hell would he be here?"

"But it would be awesome if it was him", Bickslow chuckled.

"I thought Fairy Tail was formed around a hundred years ago or so", Roscoe said.

"Yeah, it was. Warrod is one tough old guy", Bickslow explained.

"Anyway, it's pretty sure it's not Warrod who is living here", Freed said.

"That's true", they heard a giggle and it almost made them jump because of how close they heard it.

The leafs rustled and they saw a dark brown curly hair – which had some leafs in it – and blue eyes as the one who was talking stood up from the middle of the flowerbed. He was an average size slim middle-aged man.

"What, you've never seen a weretiger tending his flowerbeds before?" he chuckled, his striped long tail curling with amusement and his round ears were up showing curiosity towards them.

"Nope", Bickslow grinned and Laxus poked him.

"Are you perhaps Porlyusica's friend?" Freed asked and the man jolted.

"Uh... Porlyusica? I don't know what you're talking about..." he murmured with a way too guilty look on his face, looking aside. "I have no memories of an old healer with that name."

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