Chapter 55

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The next morning was pretty much the same as any other mornings, except the fact that Laxus could stay home, snoring loudly when Freed woke up. There was no need for him to go to the guild so he was enjoying this time and slept longer and Freed sure wasn't going to force him to get up. His husband had earned this "vacation".

The rune mage got up, took his morning gown and quietly left their bedroom and went downstairs. He knew that despite trying to sleep longer than normally, Laxus as well would wake up as soon as he could smell the breakfast so he started to brew some coffee and tea. After that he took out some fish, rice and vegetables.

At some point while making the breakfast he heard how door was opened upstairs and soon he heard quick steps from stairs. He was waiting to hear Felix's "good morning" at any second but got slightly confused when he didn't hear it.

He looked at the corner, where Felix hid quickly behind the wall.

"I saw you. Good morning, Felix", he chuckled.

"Morning, mama..." Felix murmured as he stepped in the kitchen. Freed noticed instantly that he had a serious look in his turquoise eyes and he looked a bit... Suspicious? He wondered what might be the reason for that, but decided to act like he didn't notice it. For now.

"Good morning", Theo said as he followed after Felix. He had slept with Felix in his bed and god, he loved sleeping in it! It was so soft and warm!

Only minutes after that Laxus stomped down the stairs as well and they could start their breakfast. After that they had plenty of time to do chores together since Laxus wasn't busy. It was a perfect day to clean up the whole house, dust all the bookshelves, clean Laxus' working place at the corner of the attic, wash all the laundry – they had a four year old son, of course there were always some laundry to do – and even mop the floors and stairs and clean the windows.

Needless to say, Felix wasn't really happy about this but he did help the best he could. He was especially interested to help Freed go through his books – those he allowed him to see, there were still one bookcase that was locked by runes and he couldn't see what books there were inside it.

"What's this?" he asked again lifting one big book that had lots of text when he peeked inside it.

"That is a book about Magnolia's history", Freed said moving books around so he could sweep the shelves clean.

"Oh... What's this?"

"There are lots of information about animals that live around Magnolia."

"Wow! It must be really interesting! What's this?"

"All the flowers that we can find from around here and how to use them to make potions and antidotes."

"And this?" Felix asked pointing yet another book, like he had been doing for a while.

"It's also a history book, it tells about the nobility of Fiore from last hundred years."

"Boring", Felix sighed disappointed. "Where's all the interesting books about adventures and stuff like that?" he asked confused. "The ones with big pictures."

"There are some, but those we usually borrow from the library", Freed explained patiently. Why wouldn't he? He was really happy to see how curious Felix was about books even if he couldn't yet read.

"I've never been in the library yet", Felix said lifting up a few heavy books to help carry them to the coffee table. There was so much books! So many bookshelves full of them covering a whole wall!

"We can go there if you promise to stay quiet when we're in there. Library is a place where people go to read and you can't yell there, it would bother others."

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