Chapter 40

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The morning was chilly, quiet and still dark when Freed woke up in their tent. Felix was still murmuring something in his sleep but as the rune mage sat up, he noticed that his husband had already gotten up. That certainly wasn't something that happened every day when there was no need to go to the guild...

He yawned, stretched and pulled his blanket over Felix who kept sleeping while he took his coat he had been using as a pillow and stepped out of the tent. Outside he shuddered because of the coolness and pulled his red coat over him without buttoning it up. He took out some wood they had covered with huge leafs from forest and started to make a fire. If Laxus had woken up already, why hadn't he done it? Guess he had a reason, but Freed hoped it wasn't anything bad.

Once the fire had been lit, Freed took his towel and other things he needed and headed towards the waterfall. It was still too cold to actually swim, but he had to clean his face at least. He hated it how scratchy and itchy his face felt always in the morning, he should probably finally come up with some runes that might help him to stop growing a beard or at least slow down the process as much as possible. His only comfort was that at least his facial hair didn't grow fast.

After cleaning himself, Freed sat down for a while just looking at the clean water and listening how the waterfall roared. It wasn't a big waterfall, but it was really pretty and even if it was loud, there was also something really soothing of hearing how all that water rushed down. There were small cliffs that were surrounding the whole area and only one path lead into this place that was covered with grass, moss, flowers and bushes. There was even one old tree growing at the other side of this area.

Relaxing was definitely something Freed needed and he groaned, ruffling his hair he had not yet even started to brush and there were few green strands pointing here and there. Maybe he really would need a cold swim in that water because right now he was feeling so goddamn horny he just didn't know what to do! This mating season really was turning him crazy!


Freed almost jumped up from the rock where he was sitting on and looked at Laxus who had walked beside him, him not hearing his steps because of the waterfall.

"Having a heart attack first thing in the morning, that's nice", Freed huffed but chuckled. "Good morning, Laxus. I was surprised to see you up already. Others are still sleeping."

"Couldn't really sleep", Laxus said. "So I just wandered around a bit."

"I see", Freed said. He didn't need to ask why Laxus couldn't sleep. Maybe it really wasn't such a good idea to come camping here together after all. "If you want, I can go home and you all can continue camping out", Freed offered and he finally buttoned up his coat and wrapped his belts around his waist.

"No, Felix would just get concerned", Laxus said. "He's already worried because we're sleeping separately."

"You're right", Freed nodded. Felix really was such a smart boy and knew how to observe his surroundings. Even if he didn't know why things were like they were, he knew that something was wrong with Freed and Laxus.

"I just want this fucking season to end", Laxus growled and few sparks emitted in the air around him. "It's turning everything upside down and I don't like it. Right now everything feels just chaotic."

"It won't last long anymore", Freed smiled reassuringly, lifting his hand but Laxus flinched away before he could touch his arm like he usually did.

"Don't touch me, I'm like a ticking timebomb", he grunted. "I'm seriously considering just leaving for the rest of the season, going to some desert or mountains where no one could get hurt if I go nuts and break some shit."

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