Chapter 42

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Boom! SMUT chapter! Enjoy ^^


Maybe it was because of the mating season, but getting in the right mood was definitely not a problem for them. Their kisses got quickly longer and messier as they got deeper and their tongues were wrestling while they struggled to breath while doing so.

Freed let his hands roam around Laxus' body, opening the buttons of his purple shirt but as it took too long, he just started tugging the shirt up. Laxus took the hint and they had to break the kiss for a second so he could discard the unneeded cloth, immediately continuing from where they were left. Unlike Freed, Laxus was a lot less patient and the rune mage grunted disapprovingly when suddenly his shirt was ripped open buttons flying off.

He gasped some air, both panting already heavily and he was about to scold Laxus when suddenly those sharp canine teeth bit his neck, making him moan loudly. Well, it wasn't like this was his favourite shirt or something...

Laxus let go and licked the pale skin that had slightly pink marks because of his teeth, but they would fade soon. He let his hands caress Freed's slim body, admiring those lean muscles under his fingers. His lips traced down from the neck, kissed and nibbled their way lower until he could attack those pink nipples that weren't covered by the shirt anymore. He smirked when hearing a soft, almost quiet whimper and he felt how Freed's body jolted. It had been a while since they last time had sex so they were both a bit more sensitive than usually.

Laxus let his tongue swirl around the already perky button, giving it few gentle bites and few good sucks. He was really pleased when Freed squirmed and grabbed his blond hair, trying to pull his head away but not really even using any strength. He smirked and lifted his head, looking at Freed's flushed face as he was panting and his turquoise eyes were full of lust, even if he tried to hide it.

He loved seeing that face. He had missed it. He was going to make his husband scream until his voice was hoarse and he wouldn't be able to talk for a few days.

Freed tried to catch his breath and think what he should do next. He definitely wanted to give back at Laxus for such a sneaky attack and making him a mess already, even with such a little touch. Before he could even come up with anything, suddenly his legs were yanked up making his ass get up from the mattress. Laxus lifted his legs over his broad shoulders, smirking deviously as Freed had to support himself with his arms so he could stay in that position, thus not being able to do a thing for him.

Laxus hummed pressing his lips against the fabric of Freed's pants, feeling his balls through it and how hard he already was. He scraped his teeth against that lump, hearing Freed wheezing because of the friction. He let his hands gently caress his sides and abs, moving until he found his belt and started to unbuckle it.

"L-Laxus..." Freed slightly protested as it was a bit uncomfortable being in this position. Laxus grunted and shifted just enough so Freed could lean more against the mattress but he kept nibbling his crotch, letting his fingers open the zipper of his pants and slide them down.

Freed adjusted just enough so Laxus could pull off his pants and boxers with one swift movement, tossing them somewhere on the floor. They weren't needed anymore. The rune mage quickly shut his mouth, swallowing another moan when a hot tongue licked his thigh, but he let out a small whimpering gasp when suddenly Laxus bit down on his flesh, leaving a pink mark.

He was still recovering of the mix of pain and pleasure, when Laxus moved just enough so he could reach to his nightstand and he almost ripped off the drawer, grabbing a bottle of lube. He poured it on his fingers and adjusted Freed better against his chest but not letting go of his hips. Freed gasped when feeling kisses and gentle nibbles on his balls, how they traced up and finally he let out a shuddering moan when Laxus' hot tongue slowly licked up his cock.

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