Chapter 68

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Before they even noticed, five days had went by and they were recovering. Eventually all of them got to leave the infirmary, except Laxus who still had bandages around him. Evergreen was allowed to rest at home where Elfman would take care of her and others could do the same.

Freed and Felix both stayed in the infirmary with Laxus since there was now enough space for them. Roxanne was getting her strength back every day and when she finally got out it was decided she and Kvestor should stay with Bickslow, Cana and Chester. Roscoe politely declined the offer to stay with them, saying he would rather find his own place from the town.

Rebuilding Naava Town was getting along great and most of the people could move back in, though they still had to share a lot space with others. But everyday, new houses were built and started. Those houses that were still good enough were repaired, people were even living in the huge castle-like library as it had lots of space in it.

The horrible destruction of Ginkgo was still all over the newspapers. The amount of deaths was terrifying and there were even more wounded. People were talking and wondering if Ginkgo would ever be rebuilt as it already was hard to get there in the first place, but Freed and others were sure that those who lived there would definitely want to rebuilt the town they loved so much. Even if it would take hundreds of years.

What stayed as a mystery to them was what happened to Baluhu. No one had heard a word about him and he wasn't mentioned on the list of all deceased at the catastrophe. They had seen pictures how all the crystals had slowly vanished in time, freeing the big forest but left it with large scars. The forest would heal over time again, but they might never be able to find out what happened to Baluhu.

What came to Ichabod, he was still in the room that was locked with spells and unconscious. His wounds were apparently better, but he hadn't woken up even once yet according to Porlyusica and Wendy.

That day Freed was sitting down as Porlyusica inspected him, seeing if everything was alright.

"Seems like the respond is stronger", he old healer finally said and it was good news for Freed and Laxus. "But I'm still a little bit worried. So the rules stay, no training or anything like that, nothing too stressful."

Freed nodded and after Porlyusica inspected Laxus for the last time, the lightning dragon slayer was finally allowed to leave the infirmary as well and they could all go home together. He should still rest, but at least they could go home.

"Fucking finally", Laxus grunted as they stepped to the hallway and he stretched his shoulders, wearing his dark coat. "I thought I would stay there forever."

"Nothing lasts forever", Freed chuckled.

"It sure did feel like it. Feeling bigger already?" Laxus asked, noticing how Freed was somehow moving just a little bit differently. It was only a small thing, but he noticed it. Maybe his red coat wasn't fitting him just as well as before.

"A bit", the rune mage admitted. "I wouldn't want to wear shirts too fitting anymore."

"Don't inhale too deep or your buttons might fly off."

"And that is supposed to make me feel better how?" Freed asked narrowing his eyes and Laxus chuckled. He was only teasing and Freed knew it, not really being offended. But he hadn't forgotten how clumsy and big he felt when waiting Felix and he was not happy at all to go through that again, even though he knew it was only temporary.

"You're not big", Laxus assured wrapping his arm around Freed's slender but strong waist where he only felt lean muscles. "But don't push yourself too hard."

"I know. But I won't just slack off at home, I'm going to make myself useful in any way I can so we can win Yuidose."

"I know you will, Freed."

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