Chapter 34

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On the next day most of their morning went when they were clearing the train station. Those who knew how, repaired tracks and others helped to fix the ceiling, move away all the trash and things like that.

It took a long time, but around noon they gathered together to look how the train finally arrived at the station and stopped.

"I can't believe we actually did it", Lucy smiled.

"Well, without Gajeel's magic we probably couldn't have done it", Erza said as they watched how people were taking off bags and supplies from the train. It had waited them near the town until now and once everything was ready for it to arrive, they had sent Mest to give a word for train engineers.

"Tch, little things", Gajeel said yet he was obviously proud and flattered because of the compliments.

Once all the supplies were out they were deciding who would stay behind and who would go back to Magnolia once the train would depart.

"I want to stay", Lucy smiled. "I want to help with the library."

"I will do that too", Wendy said.

"There's still much moss to burn so I'm gonna stay!" Natsu laughed loudly. "Sting, Rogue, you're gonna stay right?"

"Could be fun", Sting grinned. "What do you say, Rogue?" he asked looking at the raven haired man.

"I don't see why we couldn't", he smiled.

"If this town really wants to get rid of that moss, Sting and us are the obvious choice of course to stay", Lector smirked. "Isn't that right, Frosch?"

"Fro thinks so too!" Frosch said with a happy nod.

"I guess we stay", Gray said. "I rather like the weather here anyway, feels cosy. Hey Bickslow, are you guys gonna stay?" he asked looking at the seith mage.

"Nah, not us, baby. Though I would want to", Bickslow said while moving some planks that were used to fix the roof. "Roscoe will stay of course. He's being in charge and arranging groups who will do what."

"What? Why aren't you guys staying?" Natsu asked confused. "We might find those enemies! Humpty Dumpty and Baldy Pinkie and who was that third?"

"Emmett", Laxus said as he stepped by, carrying few bags. "You guys stay if you want but we have other things to do in Magnolia. Just don't get in their way and be damn sure that if I hear you've been destroying things here, I'm gonna use your heads as picks and hammer few more holes in that mountain so they can build that library even bigger than it was", he growled.

"Aye..." Happy meowed timidly.

"Don't mind him, he's just a little bit cranky today", Bickslow snickered as Laxus walked away.

"Isn't he always?" Lector murmured.

"Fro thinks so too..."

"Might be true", Bickslow cackled. "Hey, do you guys know where Freed is? Haven't seen him for a while", he said looking around.

"He's with Levy in the library", Lucy said. "They are arranging books and Freed is using runes to strengthen walls and ceilings until they are properly sustained."

"Should have guessed he's there", Bickslow smirked. "Those two really love books.."

"They do", Lucy smiled.

"Ever is probably with Elfman somewhere?"

"They are helping Mirajane and Lisanna to repair one of the restaurants so the townspeople can use that as a public kitchen for now and eat there until more buildings have been rebuilt."

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