Chapter 67

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Laxus was slowly waking up, but not yet enough so he could actually pay attention where he was or if he was alone. He was almost like awake, yet still sleeping somewhat. He felt pain but at the same time he wasn't sure if it was real or not. His body felt heavy and when noticing that, he decided he didn't even want to move. It would probably just hurt anyway.

There was something that was leaning against him on his left side and once his drowsy mind got more awake, he recognized Felix's scent. That was alright. Made him actually more relaxed when knowing where the boy was. There was something else leaning against his neck and cheek on his right side. Something really furry.

Laxus would have grunted if he wasn't too tired. It had to be Theophilius on his other side. Maybe Felix carried him along with him. It seemed like there was no way anymore to get rid of that flying rat and it would stay in their house until Felix would some day move out... Well, hopefully he would take the quirlat with him.

Laxus' brows tensed slightly when something fluffy flopped over his mouth and nose. With some efforts he managed to muster enough strength to blow away the tail, but it just landed back against his face. Now it was even worse as it felt like those long hairs tickled his nostrils and he immediately knew this was bad. This was very, very bad.

Loud sneeze made everyone jump in the room. Theophilius woke up in panic and screeched loudly when escaping and Felix almost fell from the bed because of sudden scare.

The boy looked at Laxus who had tensed up and a big vein was throbbing on his neck and he clenched his jaw. Oh god that hurt like hell! His whole body felt like it was on fire and his chest felt like it shattered in pieces! For a slight moment pain was the only thing that fit in his head, until he finally forced himself to relax again. It immediately helped and the pain finally started to settle.

"Don't scare people like that!" Evergreen screamed annoyed and Bickslow and Elfman were laughing loudly.

"What a way to announce you're not dead yet, baby!" the seith mage cackled. "I almost shit my pants!"

Laxus grunted and his throat was too dry to try and talk, but he managed to open his eyes just a little bit. It was too damn bright here, made his head hurt. First thing he saw was Felix's face.

"Does it hurt, dad?" he asked, his turquoise eyes full of worry.

"I am terribly sorry if I caused that", Theo apologized as he landed back on the bed.

"You did cause that..." Laxus croaked wearily.

"Once again, I'm really sorry."

"Theo didn't mean it", Felix assured to the lightning dragon slayer. "Are you thirsty?"

Laxus grunted something with a tiny nod and Felix quickly took a glass from the table. Mirajane had brought him juice earlier, now he was glad there was some left. Laxus looked at the bright red squiggly straw and drank through it while Felix was holding the glass for him. Water would have felt better right now, but he wouldn't complain.

"Thanks", he said and Felix smiled pulling the glass away.

"We were really worried about you", the blond boy said.

"Sorry", Laxus grunted but he smiled just a little. "I'm okay. Where's your mama?"

"I don't know, I guess he went to talk with Granny or Gramps or someone", Felix said and Laxus frowned.

"He's here at the guild", Evergreen said and she was still just a little bit pissed because of the scare earlier. "He hasn't gone after anyone at least yet."

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