Chapter 32

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Felix and Chester quickly followed after Laxus and Freed as they were walking outside in the yard. Behind the guild house there were a big pool, a place where to grill food and just enjoy spending time outside. It was still early spring but days started to get warmer and warmer.

A little bit further, far enough so there wouldn't be danger to others, there was a huge area for battling.

"It's big", Chester said as they arrived at the area. "Not as big as the Domus Flau, though."

"Of course it's not, this is not a place big enough for that", Felix said.

"Felix! Chester!" Vellanja shouted as she ran towards them. She was wearing a cute orange dress and her fluffy hair was open. "Isn't this cool! We can see Freed and Laxus fighting against each other! I've never seen that since they never train here at the guild."

"I've seen them", Felix smiled. "They're really strong!"

"I hope they're really gonna show what they can do", Vellanja smiled excitedly. "I wanna see a real, good battle!"

"But they are not supposed to hurt each other", Chester reminded. "So they can't really fight like they usually would."

"That's just stupid. Why call it a battle then? And what's the point with it anyway if they're not gonna find out which one is stronger?"

"That is not the point here", Levy smiled as she stepped beside them with Gajeel.

"Well, it's true that it can't be called a battle since they're not actually fighting", the raven haired man said. "I wouldn't call it even a good spar."

"Gajeel, you're not helping", Levy pouted. "Did you think that way when we got married and went through this same thing?"

"What? Of course not! But you have to admit it, it's not a battle", Gajeel said. "When you battle, you aim for the win."

"That's not true", Levy said her hands on her hips. "Winning is not always the most important thing. This is about love and trust."

"Pfft, they're guys, of course they aim for the win."

"You are such a jerk, not romatic at all."

"Whatever", Gajeel said while picking his ear. "But yeah, sure, it can also be all that crap you said..." he agreed.

Felix frowned and he looked towards Laxus who was talking with Makarov while Freed drew runes around the area so they wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone watching them. He left his place beside Chester and Vellanja, running through the area towards Freed.

"Mama, are you sure this is safe?" he asked. He was worried. He didn't want Freed or Laxus to get hurt. And he was more worried about Freed because... Well, Laxus was bigger than him! And stronger! What if Laxus would accidentally use too much lightning and it would really hurt the rune mage?

"Of course", Freed smiled not lifting his sword as he kept drawing the runes. "Are you worried?"

"Yeah... I don't want anyone to get hurt", Felix said and he grabbed Freed's hand. "Do you really have to battle?"

"You've seen us sparring many times, you know we wouldn't hurt each other", Freed assured looking at his son. "This is just like one of those times, I promise. You just stay with others and cheer for us", he smiled.

Felix frowned, still worried and Freed chuckled.

"Everything will be fine", he assured lifting his son up and kept drawing the runes.

"How do you do that?" Felix asked pointing towards purple runes on the ground. "How do you know what you have to draw?"

"Because I can read these runes."

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