Chapter 6

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Freed spread out Laxus' dark coat on the snow and the lightning dragon slayer gently laid Evergreen on it. They got out of the town to where most of the people were hiding, far enough from the town so they were not in danger.

"It seems that it's nothing life threatening, but she needs first aid and lots of rest", Freed muttered inspecting all the wounds. There were many others too, having their wounds taken care of and Wendy was doing her best to help all of them with the doctors of the town.

"We can take care of that, Sugar", Roxanne said coming over with one other woman. "Until Blueberry there has taken care of the patients with the most serious wounds. We don't have much with us right now but at least we can try to make sure Cutie's condition won't get worse."

"We would appreciate that very much, Madam", Freed smiled and he moved away so Roxanne and her friend could start nursing Ever's wounds.

The rune mage sighed looking at the town that was still burning and here and there they saw blasts of ice, fire, sand, all kinds of magic they had in their Guild.

"I wish I could have done something more", he said.

Suddenly a finger yanked the collar he had around his neck and he looked at Laxus, who stared at the collar with a frown.

"Let's cut that off", he growled. There was no words for how much he hated to see something like that around Freed's neck. Someone had done something like this to his mate!

"Laxus, if it was that easy do you think I wouldn't have done it already with my sword?" Freed said. "Were you planning to bite it off?"

"I'll do that if it helps."

"It won't. But we can get it off, I'm sure of it. But right now I'm absolutely useless in the town", Freed huffed looking at people who talked with each other, carrying whatever they had managed to take with them. There were kids and animals and no one knew what would happen next, was it safe to stay here. There were lots of injuries, fear and despair.

"We will do what we can to help them", Laxus promised looking at his mate who had a worried frown on his face. "Others are here too now. We can fight them off from this town and then put down the fires. We haven't lost everything yet."

"You're right", Freed nodded. He straightened his spine with determination. "I will help here in any way I can, even if it's just moving around stuff."

"Don't overdo it, Freed. I know you want to help but you're not useful if you collapse because of exhaustion."

"I know, Laxus", Freed smiled touching his fiancé's arm gently. "But you must return back to the town, they need you there. We don't know what Humphrey might do next, now that I can't cover the town from his meteors anymore."

"I hate that little fucker so much", Laxus growled irritated. "I'm gonna kick his ass so hard he's gonna look like a shooting star even without his magic."

"Remember to keep your cool."

"Yeah, I know, babe", Laxus promised giving a quick peck on Freed's cheek. "Just stay here, okay?" he said and with a flash of lightning he was already gone.

Freed huffed and turned around, asking from people if there was anything he could do to help them despite not being able to use magic right now.

Bickslow yelped when he was dropped on the street, with Roscoe falling right on top of him. Wooden Tiki dolls dropped on the ground just like any normal dolls and they weren't moving.

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