Chapter 77

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The morning was way too early, that was what Sanchez thought when he was yawning and sitting outside the post office. He wondered if Imari and others had even woken up yet. But he knew they had to leave with Freed early if they wanted make sure the letter pointed to Warrod would be able to make it to the first ship and towards Hargeon. From there they would use professional courier who could make sure the letter would be at the Magic Council as soon as possible.

The weretiger lifted his gaze as Freed stepped out with a woman who was carrying other letters too.

"If you'd arrived only a few minutes later, your letter might not have made it", she said.

"Well, I'm glad we were just in time", Freed smiled looking how the woman untied reins from a pole in front of the office. There was a bright feathered lizard snoozing on a pile of hay and enjoying the warm morning sun, but it woke up when the reins were moved. "I wish there won't be a storm", Freed said.

"No need to worry about me, sir", she chuckled as she jumped on the saddle and the lizard got up. "We've been sailing in storms many times", she assured and with a click of her tongue the lizard sped up, leaving them quickly behind as they headed up the street.

"We might not use magic or anything when delivering letters, but that doesn't mean our mail would move slowly", Sanchez chuckled to the green haired man who laughed.

"When seeing how fast that thing left, I wouldn't even consider imagining something like that", he assured and they started walking.

"Do you wanna go eat somewhere? Others might not wake up for hours yet."

"Thank you, but I think it is better if we go back just in case if they might wake up earlier."

"Your man wouldn't get jealous, would he?"

"Have you ever heard about dragon slayers?"


"Then we have something interesting to talk about while walking back", Freed chuckled, starting to explain some of the traits dragon slayers had as they walked over one of many stone streets on the lake.

Their day in Elenbora was rather peaceful. Once Laxus and others had woken up and survived worst of their hangover, they could actually go over to the town. This time they had Sanchez and Imari with them, showing them around. The big library underwater was only one of many great things the town could offer to those who were interested to explore it.


"Come on, baby! You heard what they said, it's quicker to cross the lake this way!"

Freed and Evergreen were amused when looking at he mighty Thunder God who was looking at the small ferry. His orange eyes looked angry, but they could see behind that anger which was covering fear of getting motion sickness. The older he got, the more he hated everything that was floating on top of water and even Freed with their bond couldn't help it. He could still somehow handle normal sized ferries since they usually moved slow and steady, but that thing was hardly bigger than a beer barrel!

"We can walk", Laxus growled annoyed looking at the seith mage.

"But it's pulled by a big weird fish with a lamp on its head!" Bickslow said.

"I don't give a fuck, we're not going."

"I'm not interested either", Roscoe decided and Bickslow groaned.

"You guys are no fun!" he said.

"Even Felix and Chester would think you are acting childish if they heard you."

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