Chapter 5

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Bickslow jumped over the roofs and looked at the moss golems. There were four of them now and they didn't care about him or his attempts to slow them down, they just focused on destroying buildings. He had been trying to think why they were doing that but couldn't come up with anything. Shit! Freed would definitely have at least three possible answers ready for that. But the truth was they couldn't really know the answers before they would capture someone of those who were causing this.

"Did you find anything?" he asked looking at Pappa who hovered closer. He had send all five dolls to search if they could find the mage who had created those monsters.

"No good", Pappa sighed apologetically.

"Aw, that's alright", Bickslow grinned. "We'll find the guy who's doing this. Would you lend me your hand?"

"Okay!" Pappa beamed happily.

"Alright. Soul Cape: Pappa", Bickslow said pulling his visor up and his eyes glowed.

The little Tiki doll disappeared and Bickslow's hair turned black and white colour. He stopped and inhaled deeply. Of all five, Pappa's power was the hardest to control as it was intelligence. It demanded great amounts of concentration so he could let the magic do the logical solutions for him, he only needed to gather all the pieces of the puzzle.

Bicks frowned slightly, trying to remember every little clue they had. This attack happened suddenly. They were destroying buildings and didn't care about people would they die or not. It didn't seem like they were searching for anything. Not only the town but the parts of the forest was also burning and destroyed...

He groaned ruffling his hair. He really didn't get it. He needed more clues! There were too many possible answers right now so he couldn't come up with what could be the most plausible explanation for all this.

"Bickslow!" he suddenly heard a familiar voice and he looked down at the street.

"Roscoe", he said surprised. "What the hell, baby? You were supposed to be out of this town already with Granny!"

"I'm the damn guard of this town so like hell I will just run away when something like this is happening", Roscoe snorted. "What is the situation here?" he asked.

"Uh, I'm trying to find out why they attacked here but there's too many possible answers right now."

"Well, you've never been one with great detective skills no matter how much you use magic", Roscoe said amused, making Bickslow pout. "But what are your top three possibilities?"

"Hmm... I don't wanna tell."

"Stop being such a brat and just tell me!"

"Fine, fine", Bickslow huffed and he dropped himself down at the street. "First one is that they are looking for someone and causing a ruckus like this they wish to draw that someone out here. Second guess is they are looking for something but didn't find it, or they found it and are just being assholes destroying everything after that. Third guess is they have a reason to get rid of this whole town but I have no clue what that reason might be."

"Those aren't really anything helpful in the end..."

"I know, baby, that's why it's so frustrating. We need more clues. We have to find someone who can tell us more about this situation here."

"Can I then join in this conversation?"

They both jolted when they heard the third voice and looked at the man who had appeared in the street without them even noticing. He was middle aged, small and round. He had a bowler hat, huge red moustache which ends curled up and he had a monocle.

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