Chapter 25

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Felix sat down at the table with Chester and Mirajane brough some lemonade for both of them with cake.

"Isn't this a great place?" Felix smiled.

"Well, yeah", Chester had to agree looking around. It was again calm in the Hall and everyone was talking with each other or doing their own things and stuff. "I have never been in a place like this where there's only mages around so it's kinda cool."

"Yeah! Hey, we could train together, right? I've been thinking it a lot that I should start training too, because how else am I going to learn magic?"

"But how are you going to defend against me if you can't use magic at all?"

"Um... Well, I just have to get stronger! I could learn how to use a sword!" Felix said excitedly. "Like mama. I guess there has to be some kind of a sword even I can use, right?"

"You might just end up hurting yourself", they heard a new voice snickering.

Felix and Chester turned to look at the girl who had approached their table without them noticing it. She had a long, black fluffy hair she was holding up with a bandana that had little flowers in it. She stepped closer looking at Chester curiously with his strikingly red eyes.

"So you're the new boy?" she asked with a smile. "Chester, wasn't it?"

"Uh... Yeah", Chester said a bit confused.

"My name's Vellanja! Vellanja Redfox, nice to meet you", Vellanja smirked and she just sat down with them at the table.

"Oh... Nice to meet you."

"I thought you weren't here at the Guild", Felix said a little bit surprised.

"Stuuupid! I'm here every day of course", Vellanja huffed crossing her arms. "Dad can't leave the Guild House before Porlyusica is absolutely sure there's no more danger so we come here every day with mom to see how he's doing!"

"How is he doing?"

"Of course he's doing good! Dad is strong so nothing can hold him down!"

"I'm happy he's doing better", Felix smiled. Vellanja was loud, very straightforward with what she said and he had to admit it, she was also quite strong for a four year old girl. But even though Vellanja might sometimes be a little bit rude, she was also really caring and she never turned her back on her friends. Felix was secretly admiring how courageous she was! She wasn't at all scared to fight back if someone started to bully them!

Vellanja smiled widely.

"So, I heard you two want to start training?" she asked. "I want to come too!"

Now Felix flinched a little bit. Vellanja would join them? Not that it was a bad idea, but somehow... He would have liked better if they could have trained with Chester alone. After all, they were already friends with Chester, Vellanja just appeared out of nowhere and invited herself to their doings just like that!

Chester looked at Felix and Vellanja.

"I don't really mind", he said. "But is it okay with Felix?"

"I... Umm..." Felix muttered slightly blushing.

"What?" Vellanja said now confused. "Are you saying I'm not good enough to come play with you boys?" she asked her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"No", Felix said quickly. "Just... I mean... Sure, of course you can come", he finally gave in and Vellanja grinned.

"Good! Chester, how did you learn magic? Can you teach us?"

"Me? I don't know, I've always used it", the little silver mage said. "I don't know how to explain it, it comes naturally like talking or walking and stuff."

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