Chapter 93

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The room would have been dark, if there wasn't light coming inside through the window and curtains. After all, Datura City was always lit by lights so it was like a moonlight coming inside and lightening the room just enough for Felix to look around.

Roscoe was already sleeping on his own bed, snoring. Theophilius chuckled something in his sleep, his big dark ear flickering and fluffy tail twitching while lying on the other pillow next to Felix. Chester was sleeping on the third bed next to Felix' bed and it was hard to say was he already asleep or not.

Felix pushed away the soft blanket and got down from his own bed, leaving Theophilius to sleep and he stepped to the big window, pulled the curtain more open and looked outside.

"Wow..." he whispered amazed.

It was like there was a huge garden below them, even though it was on a roof. It looked so enormous, it even had two pools, lots of chairs where to sit and trees! People were wandering around, talking to each other and enjoying their time. It must really be true that people didn't care if it was a day or night here.

Felix let go of the curtain and stepped beside Chester's bed.

"Are you awake?" he whispered.

"Yeah", he heard and the blanket moved. "Roscoe is in deep sleep", Chester said as he sat up, wearing his dark blue pyjama. Felix had his own green pajama on.

"I don't think we could wake him even if we yelled at him", the blond haired boy chuckled looking at the bigger bed where Roscoe was. "Theo is sleeping too. I'm not really feeling sleepy yet."

"Me too", Chester said as he got down from his bed as well. "I think it's unfair how we can't go to that big ballroom too."

"I bet they're having tons of fun", Felix huffed crossing his arms.

"They just don't want us around."

"I wanna go see them."

"Me too", Chester nodded and he went to he door. "What are you doing?" he asked looking back at Felix who went to his bed.

"I'll take Theo with us", Felix said and grabbed a hold of the quirlat. "We can't leave him behind, he would get hurt."

"He's asleep", Chester pointed out, looking at Theophilius who just kept sleeping while Felix was holding him.

"It doesn't matter", Felix said. "He's one of us."

"I guess you're right", Chester had to agree and he grabbed a hold of the handle.

The hallway was empty but thankfully not dark. There were a few lamps lit and they quietly shut the door after them.

"But we need the elevator", Felix noticed.

"I saw what button was on when we stepped in the elevator", Chester assured and they headed down the hallway.

They found the elevator, but there was still one little problem.

"We need a guild mark to use it", Felix said and he was really disappointed. "We don't have one... I don't think Fairy Tail guild mark works."

"I guess so", Chester muttered when showing his mark on the yellow panel. The doors didn't open. "But what should we do now?"

"We can't walk all the way down the stairs, I don't even know where the stairs are", Felix sighed.

Suddenly they heard a small ding and the doors moved. They quickly moved aside, waiting for someone to appear but no one came out. Carefully they approached the doors and peeked in, but there was no one.

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