Chapter 28

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Felix and Vellanja were sitting on a grass and Chester was looking at them curiously. He had never really thought where magic came from. For him it had just always been there and he could use it, he didn't need to think about it.

"You're not concentrating!" Makarov scolded hitting his great-gradson's head. Well, not like he really hit him, it was more like a pat.

"I'm trying! I really am!" Felix assured frustratedly. "It's just really hard!"

"No it's not, use your head more. Listen to the Justine side of you, you should have more brains than Laxus at least."

"There are so much noises around here", Vellanja complained. "We can't concentrate if there's always someone yelling or birds chirping and stuff."

"Yes you can when you really want", Makarov assured crossing his arms. "You want to learn magic so you have to learn how to connect with your magic. You have to get to know it. When you've done it once, it gets easier", he assured now with a smile.

"I just don't get it at all..." Felix murmured.

Chester yawned and he dropped to lie on the grass. Well, it was not like they had to rush so he might as well take a nap while Felix and Vellanja tried to learn how to use magic.

"When you concentrate, you don't try to shut out every single voice you hear", Makarov explained looking at the kids. "You don't have to. All those noises and stuff are part of your surroundings, let it all come in. Once you start to get used to it, you notice how easy it is to concentrate no matter what kind of noise there are."

"So why is it that big of a deal?" Vellanja muttered. She did not get this at all.

"Magic is created once you're in balance with the nature. The energy you get from nature is mixed with the power you got in your spirit, forming the power as we know being magic."

"That sounds so complicated", Felix huffed.

"That's why we have told you two it's still a bit too early for you to learn magic", Makarov chuckled. "Magic cannot be created if you can't let out the power you have inside you."

He didn't want to tell them it was also possible that they just couldn't use magic. Only small amount of all people were able to use magic after all. It was something you had to be born with.

"How did you learn magic, Gramps?" Felix asked curiously.

"Me? Hmm..." Makarov muttered trying to remember. "I think I was seven years old... I practiced every day for a long time."

"So it wasn't that easy for you as well?" Vellanja snickered and Felix giggled.

"What was that?" Makarov frowned. "Don't you brats know how to respect your elders? Fine, I won't then teach you anymore", he decided closing his eyes. Of course he was just teasing them.

"We're sorry", Felix said immediately. "Please teach us more, Gramps."

"That sounds better. As I said, I practiced every day and little by little I was starting to understand what it meant to really concentrate. One day it was just... A whooosh! Or something like that", the old man guffawed loudly.

"That is not helpful..." Vellanja grunted and Felix sighed.

"But once you get that feeling you will know what I meant", Makarov assured with a smirk. "You just know. That's when the real training starts since you have to learn to actually use your magic."

"I wish I can learn something cool like lightning magic, just like dad", Felix smirked.

"I want to be a dragon slayer!" Vellanja announced and she stood up.

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