Chapter 66

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The night was long and it felt like it never ended. Yet just like always, it did end finally and even though there were still dark clouds outside pouring water heavily, it was getting slightly brighter all around.

Freed was in a light sleep on his chair, leaning against the bed where Laxus was sleeping. Elfman was snoring on his seat next to Evergreen's bed. On two other remaining beds there were Erza and Juvia and the rest of the injured were in the next room.

Freed sneered as he woke up and he did not feel good. Soon he got up, wobbled into the bathroom and puked. When he finally started to feel better he came back, taking some water. Obviously his morning sickness would be just the same as last time.

"Feeling better?" he heard a question and turned around, looking at Evergreen.

She was smiling, looking still really tired and she had dark bags under her eyes. Porlyusica's strict order was that she was not allowed to get up from the bed for three days so she could gather enough energy back.

"Good morning, Ever", Freed said, keeping his voice low so others wouldn't wake up and he stepped beside the bed. "How are you feeling? Do you need something?"

"I'm fine", Evergreen assured. She looked at Elfman who was leaning backwards on his seat and his snoring was loud. "I actually did't believe we could make it", she said and Freed pulled his chair next to the brunette's bed and sat down.

"It was a really long way", Freed said. "You risked your life by helping Laxus", he smiled and gently patted Ever's hand. "I'm grateful for that, but you might have gotten killed."

"He's like a brother to me, just like you", Ever smiled tiredly. "Of course I do anything I can to help. And sure as hell, after watching so many years how you silently loved him and tortured yourself, I'm not going to let him just die. He has still many years left to make everything up to you."

"You're a treasure, Ever", Freed chuckled. "I don't kow what I would do without you."

"Nothing. You would do nothing", Ever giggled and then she sighed. "I'm getting tired again", she said.

"You should sleep", Freed nodded. "I'll make sure that when you wake up next time, you get something to eat."

"Yeah, I like that idea", Ever muttered and she fell asleep.

Hours later one by one they started to wake up. Wendy and Porlyusica were quick to inspect them, making sure they would be alright. Laxus had the most serious injuries and Freed had felt cold shivers when the old pink haired healer said that if Ever had came only moments later, the Thunder God would have died because of bloodloss.

The amethyst spear had caused most of the damage as it had thrusted through the large body. Somehow, like it was a miracle, the damage wasn't enough for Laxus to die immediately. Wendy used lots of her magic so she could heal the damaged organs.

But Laxus did not wake up. According to Porlyusica, he might wake up at any minute, but it was also possible he would sleep through the whole day just as well. Evergreen woke up later and Mirajane and Lisanna brought them lots of food to eat. Elfman had fetched the spare glasses from their house and Evergreen was wearing them again, sitting on her bed and explaining what all had happened.

"If only Moritz didn't use Quartz Magic, it would have been easy for us to win him", Evergreen huffed and now she was annoyed when remembering Moritz. "And he was using a spear! We had no weapons! Since his crystals absorb energy it's almost impossible to fight against him as he's really strong too!"

"That does sound alarming", Erza said from her bed, frowning. Her shoulder was tightly wrapped in bandages and she couldn't walk with his injured leg. Juvia had already left them, as her injuries were less serious and thanks to Wendy's skills, she would be fine in a day or two.

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