Chapter 38

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For the first few days it seemed like everything went quite well. Freed was studying the book in the library and Laxus focused on his work in the office. He wasn't avoiding just Freed, but Natsu and other dragon slayers as well. It was better that way so there wouldn't be any unnesessary fights.

For what Freed had seen, everything was going surprisingly peacefully. Gajeel was happy with Levy, and Sting and Rogue were mostly staying in their temporary apartment they had while staying in Magnolia. At first they had thought about returning back to Sabertooth but Porlyusica had been against it, saying that now that they already were here they should stay so she could study their behaviour. After all, they were both dragon slayers so she wanted to write down every information she could, how they acted and how it was decided who would carry the baby since they were really eager to start their own family.

Freed had also heard that Wendy was actually staying with Sherria. He was really happy to hear that the little – or not so little anymore – sky dragon slayer had found her mate too. Right now they didn't really know more where they were exactly and Porlyusica was not too happy about that.

Only ones acting up were Natsu and Laxus and for the same reason: No sex, poor things. But it wasn't like Freed and Lucy were any more happier than they were. It was a surprise that Lucy and Natsu didn't want to start a family yet, but they just said it wasn't a right time yet for them. It made Freed a little bit happier when he knew he wasn't the only one suffering through this mating season. Since they had decided this way, they had to stay strong

It was easier said than done and that day Freed was sitting on a bar stool, his head leaning against the bar counter and he felt miserable. Once again he was wondering why, oh why did they make this decision? After four long days his determination was starting to slowly crumble, even though he knew he had to stay strong. There was still a whole week left of the mating season!

Mirajane sighed when looking at the rune mage who was moping and she put a cup of tea on the table. Freed had been working so hard for the last four days, staying in the library and barely showing his face outside so it was rare to see him sitting here in the Hall.

"Cheer up, Freed", she said gently and patted his green hair. Even those lightning bolt cowlicks were drooping and it was so sad. "Everything will be fine."

"I know..." Freed murmured not lifting his head.

"It's so heartbreaking to see you like this", Mirajane sighed. "And Laxus isn't doing any better. I just brought him some coffee and lunch and he didn't even say anything, he's just angry all the time."

"I'm sorry, Mira. It's not because he dislikes you or anything, he doesn't mean to act coldly towards anyone..."

"You don't need to apologise, Freed", Mira assured. "I know all that already. He's been shutting himself inside his office all days and I can't help but feel a little bit worried. He shouldn't work that much."

"I know, he should do some training instead", Freed said. "I should suggest that he should take a day off tomorrow and go training somewhere nearby."

"I don't think he will do that", Mira huffed crossing her arms and she leaned against the counter. "You two obviously miss each other so much. This decision to stay apart is almost killing you both."

"It's for the best right now..."

"I don't know about that", Mira said and she really meant it, making the rune mage finally shift slightly. "When you look at Lucy and Natsu, they are not acting this bad even if they decided not to start a family yet."

"It's different for them, they can do that even if there wasn't a dragon mating season."

"You're right. But obviously this is not just about how much you and Laxus miss each other. Are you really sure this decision not to have more children is the right decision for you two?" Mirajane asked and she really was worried.

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