Chapter 54

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There will be two chapters this week! As an apology because I had to skip one week earlier ^^ Thanks for all the support, comments, votes and reading this story!


That day, Freed spent most of his time at the guild house with Laxus who was, for the first time in years, just loitering around the Hall since he didn't really have any work to do. Erza was working as a master after all right now so he wasn't needed. So he mostly just sat beside the bar counter and looked around, talking with others and occasionally going to see Freed who was reading through the papers Baluhu had given them in the library.

The rune mage was hoping he could form a pattern how to read the runes in the book in some way after reading Baluhu's translation and then the texts in the book. Yet no matter how much he tried, he did not find any way to make it happen and everything in the book still looked complete gibberish in his eyes.

But he was slowly starting to understand why it happened. Every time he tried to read some parts again, it was almost like the runes slightly changed. The magic was tricking his eyes and forcing his brain to remember other symbols than the ones that were actually written on pages.

Outside, the flying competition arranged between Theo and the exceeds made everyone a bit curious, but it did not end really well. Actually it ended up to become a chaos as Theo and Happy got into an argument about if they were trying to cheat and Carla of course couldn't resist of scolding them, saying they were acting so juvenile. Panther Lily on the other hand tried to calm them down but once the fight started, there was no way to stop it. Not when there was a crowd of Fairy Tail members cheering on them and some even barged right in to join at the fight. In the end, they were just fighting, no one caring who started it or why.

Vellanja was laughing loudly as she, Felix and Chester were standing far enough so they wouldn't get harmed because of the brawl.

"Now we can't find out who's fastest", Chester said.

"Who cares?" Vellanja giggled, looking how Droy was howling in pain when Theo bit his ear. "This is just as much fun. Let's see who's the last one standing! Too bad dad isn't here, he would blast them all through the skies in no time at all!"

"Why isn't Gajeel here?" Felix asked looking how Kvestor was trying to sneak out from the battle, Jet stepped on his tail and in the next second the fluffy silver tabby exceed was clawing the poor man's face with angry hisses.

"He left with mom to see Porlyusica, they said I should stay here with Lily", Vellanja said.

"To see Porlyusica? Is something wrong?" Felix asked and he shuddered.

He couldn't understand why anyone would want to go see Porlyusica! Once, when he had broken his arm they had to go through that forest to see the old healer. Felix was honestly afraid of the old woman, she was so mean and never smiled! But she had helped to fix his arm, though... So guess she wasn't all that bad. And she has taken care of lots of injuries with other guild members too... But she was scary.

Vellanja smirked.

"Mom and dad told me I'll get a baby sister or a baby brother", she said proudly and Felix's eyes widened.

"What?" he asked. "How?"

"Mom said that the baby will grow in her stomach and then one day we can meet him or her."

"So you don't know if you'll get a sister or a brother?" Chester asked.

"Not yet. But you can't tell this to anyone yet! I told you because you know I'll beat you up if you won't keep your mouths shut!" Vellanja threatened and Felix gulped. He didn't want to fight with Vellanja.

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