Chapter 102

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I'm still alive! x'D


"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands", Bickslow sang while they were walking.

"Clap! Clap!" his Tiki dolls chirped.

"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands", Bickslow smirked taking Reedus' hands clapping them together.

Then he turned towards Laxus.

"Try it and I'll clap your face with my fist", the Thunder God growled annoyed.

"Fine, be grumpy", the seith mage huffed.

"That's my plan", Laxus said and looked around.

For how long had they been walking? It felt like this mushroom forest just didn't end. And he knew they weren't just walking circles because he would smell their tracks if that was the case.

"We should get out of here soon", Laxus grunted. "This forest can't last forever."

"You're not as good with your nose as you think you are, baby", Bickslow kindly reminded. "Otherwise you wouldn't get lost all the time when you're not familiar with the area."

"Shut up."

"If we continue like this, we're never gonna get out of this forest", Bickslow chuckled amused and Reedus just looked at him slightly terrified because he dared to annoy Laxus even more. "I have a wild theory of why you get lost even though you're a dragon slayer and you guys have that great sense of smell and all."

"I'm not interested", Laxus said.

"I'm gonna tell anyway. You think too much", Bickslow said and that surprised both Laxus and Reedus.

"He's thinking too much?" Reedus asked before he managed to stop himself and jolted when Laxus glared at him.

"Yeah! You know, you should just follow your instincts, you're good at that baby", the seith mage said. "I'm sure Freed and Ever would agree. You're trying to figure out how to find a way out of this place by trying to think like Freed or someone else and it only makes it harder for you to concentrate on just using your nose, don't you think?"

"Actually, there is a point there", Reedus had to agree looking at Laxus, but he was still a bit nervous.

"See? You should just stop thinking", Bickslow smirked patting his old friend's shoulder. "Just follow your nose, think of Freed, that's all you need to do, baby."

Laxus huffed with a small frown but even though he was annoyed, part of him also understood what Bickslow meant. If he kept thinking what way to take, where to go and keep in mind where they had been and all it just messed up his brain.

He looked up and was a bit surprised when he saw movement.

"Butterflies?" he asked and Bickslow and Reedus looked up as well.

Hundreds of huge butterflies were flying up above the mushrooms. Their big wings had bright colours which brought light around them, making them shine like flying lanterns. They were flying slowly, doing their own dances and everyone was heading at the same direction.

"Wow, they're huge", Bickslow said.

"They look amazing", Reedus admired and his fingers were almost trembling, wanting to capture this moment on canvas. He had to remember this and paint it later!

"Should we follow them?" Laxus suggested.

"Good idea, baby!" Bickslow grinned. "They must be heading somewhere. Butterflies like flowers and there are no flowers here in this mushroom forest so if we follow them, we should be able to get out!"

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