Chapter 2

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For the next week, all their days were full of chores what to do at the Guild. There were lots of things they had to buy, help making the foods, clean every spot of the whole Guild House and decorating it the best way they could. There was only few days left and everyone was doing their best to help, no matter how many times Freed and Laxus both said they absolutely didn't need anything fancy or showy.

But this was Fairy Tail, so it was pretty much pointless to wish celebration that would be calm and nothing big.

"Reedus, that looks wonderful!" Evergreen praised when looking at the beautifully colored flowers. Who would even believe they weren't real flowers?

"I'm really happy if this looks nice", Reedus said flattered and blushed. It was after all not that common the get praised by Ever.

"I have to say, this makes the whole Hall look completely different", Freed smiled while admiring all the paintings that had been brought alive due Reedus' Picto Magic. "It would be nice to always have something like this presented in here."

"Like something that fits the seasons?" Ever said excitedly.

"I'm not sure if I can do it permanently..." Reedus apologized with a tiny chuckle.

Freed looked at the stairs and ignored Ever and Reedus who kept talking about the idea and he smiled when he saw Laxus.

"What the...?" the lightning dragon slayer asked confused when looking around. "Since when did this old run-down pub turn into a meadow?"

"Reedus made everything according to Ever's plans", Freed chuckled. "Do you like it?"

"Do we really, really need this much flowers?" Laxus grumbled when seeing few gigantic purple orchids over the bar counter.

"You are always free to discuss about that with Ever. I decided not to do that."

"I guess that's a wise move... I'm starting to regret of letting her decide all the decorations..."

"I'm so sorry, Master", they heard a cold voice when Ever stepped beside them. "Would you care to tell me point by point what I should change with the decorations?"

"Eh... Nevermind", Laxus sneered instantly giving up. He was definitely not in a mood to start arguing with the brunette, he was already tired because there was so much to do. "Have you guys seen Bickslow by the way? I wanted to talk with him about some stuff."

"What stuff?" Freed asked confused.

"Mostly make sure he's not gonna make a toast with some stupid old stories or something similar."

"We must find him immediately", Freed decided without hesitation. "Were you supposed to meet him here?"

"Nah, haven't seen him at all today", Laxus huffed. "He didn't say that he'd have any plans today, though. Not before evening when we would get Roxanne, Roscoe and Kvestor from the train station."

"Don't tell me he's out drinking with Cana", Freed sighed as Laxus went to talk with Mirajane of something. "Of course, there's still few days before the wedding but there is also so much what to do."

"I will make sure to find him", Ever offered. "Don't you worry."

"How are you planning to find him?"

"By making Elfman to look for him", Ever hummed happily. "He has free time so it should be fine."

"How are you two doing, by the way? You just moved in together and then we had a week long mission. Did it cause anything bad?"

"Of course not", Ever said. "We're mages. We have to take missions that might last long times sometimes, even months so one week is nothing."

"That's good", Freed smiled. "I was just a little bit worried."

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