Chapter 8

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Freed woke up after few hours because Felix kicked him right in the guts and he huffed opening his eyes. They were still in the Guild House but he was surprised to see his son, still asleep and seeing dreams. Makarov must have came here already with him.

He smiled and quietly moved from the couch and left Felix continue his sleep under the dark coat. He took his own red coat and just pulled it on him, leaving it open and stepped beside the bar counter.

"Good morning, Makarov", he smiled to the small man who was sitting at his favourite spot on the counter.

"Good morning, Freed", Makarov said sipping his coffee. "There is still some coffee left in the pot."

"Thank you, I will then take some", Freed nodded and he took a cup from under the counter. "Thank you for taking care of Felix yesterday when we had to leave so suddenly."

"It's okay, of course he can always stay with me whenever necessary", Makarov assured.

"Where's Laxus?" Freed noticed looking around. Roscoe was also missing, but Bickslow and Cana were still sleeping on the floor.

"He went to check on Evergreen", Makarov said. "And Wendy called Roscoe to the infirmary so she can make sure his ribs are healing well."

"That's good. I should go see Ever as well", Freed nodded pouring another cup of coffee for the brunette and took out a tray, putting the cups on it.

"I'll come with you", Makarov said hopping down from the counter and they went to the stairs.

For a moment there was a silence, until Felix got up pushing away the big coat and stepped down from the couch. He was happy that Freed and Laxus weren't hurt but Ever and many others had gotten injuries...

The young boy frowned looking at the floor and he thought about it. Their Guild was strong, that's what he always heard and he believed it absolutely, but they still got hurt. So that meant their enemy was super strong, right? Would more of them get hurt if they encountered that enemy again? But if there were more members then...

Felix looked around and his eyes widened when he noticed a sword that had the familiar green Fairy Tail guild mark shaped hilt and a black scabbard. It was leaning against the chair just beside the couch. Freed usually never left it anywhere just like that!

Quietly the blond haired boy stepped beside the sword that was as long as himself and he touched it timidly. Freed was super strong, he knew it! And Erza used swords too and she was strong as well! He had seen many mages who used swords or other weapons, not just their magic so... Would he be more stronger if he used a sword as well? He couldn't yet use magic and it really bugged him even though Laxus and Freed said it was alright and he would learn some day...

But he wanted to help now. What if their enemies attacked again? What if this time there would be more injures? What if the whole Magnolia would suffer?

Felix grabbed the sword and the first thing he learned about it was that it was really heavy. With loud clattering it fell on the floor with the leather belt it was still attached to and Felix quickly looked around. Did someone hear? Did Bickslow and Cana wake up?

For a moment he just listened, but he could still hear snores so everything was still fine. He took the belt and dragged the sword along him, heading towards the door behind stairs. After few turns in the hallways he got out at the backyard where there were no one right now. Not aware how the snores had stopped in an instant he had stepped outside the Hall.

Felix grinned and he lifted the sword with its sheath. It really was heavy! How did Freed move it around so easily? He could barely lift it with his both hands! But if he trained hard he could move it around just like Freed, right?

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