Chapter 33

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Few days later Freed was following after Laxus. Even if it was early morning, it was snowing so harshly their surroundings were dark like it was evening already and they barely could see where they were going. They were following tracks so at least they wouldn't be able to get lost in this blizzard.

"I don't think that moss can survive when it's so cold here", Freed said and he looked behind them. They were followed by their whole guild and many volunteers of survivors who used to live in that now empty town.

"That's good for us", Laxus grunted and he was actually wearing his big dark coat. It was warm enough so the snow didn't really bother him at all.

The train had left them not far from Naava Town and the rest of the way they had to walk. They couldn't take a risk that the air in the town really was toxic and then everyone in train would die.

Freed yelped when again he almost fell but Laxus' arm was around him immediately, keeping him on his feet.

"Thank you", he smiled. They all had struggles to walk over huge piles of snow.

"Don't mention it", Laxus said and in the next second he fell down in the snow with cusses. Freed managed to hold his laugh, watching his angry husband who snarled and swiped some snow off of himself.

"Did you hurt yourself?" the green haired man smiled helping Laxus up.

"No", he grunted. "I hate this shitty weather", he said as another strong blast of wind almost made them all fall and he heard thumps as some of them did fall on the snow. He pulled Freed closer, wrapping his dark coat around them both.

"There's not much left and we will be in the town", Freed assured.

It was a long road but finally they got to the town. They stopped near the forest just in case, everyone ready to retreat immediately if the air would smell funny.

"Do you smell anything?" Freed asked looking at Laxus who tried to sniff the air along with other dragon slayers.

"Nothing", he said. "If there were mold, we would definitely smell it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Do you guys smell anything?" Laxus asked looking at Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting and Rogue.

"Nothing", Wendy said and others nodded as they didn't sense anything as well.

"So it should be pretty safe to go there", Laxus grunted. "But only few of us should go first."

"I suggest only dragon slayers go with exceeds", Rogue said. "Since we can smell the mold if it's there."

"I agree", Gajeel nodded. "We can get quickly away from there if there's something suspicious around."

Laxus nodded.

"Then let's do that", he said and sparks of electricity ran down his spine. Huge lightning wings appeared on his back, waving in the air as if the lightning was alive.

Freed frowned worriedly while looking how the group of dragon slayers flew up and towards the town.

"Warren, make sure we can hear immediately if something happens", he said and Warren nodded.

For a while they waited in silence. It felt like minutes were crawling, every second felt like it lasted eternity. Cold wind was turning their limps numb and their clothes were slowly getting wet because of all the snow.

"You hear me?" they suddenly heard Gajeel's voice.

"Loud and clear", Levy assured.

"Good. I don't smell mold at the northern part of the town."

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