Chapter 20

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Laxus smirked as he saw a glimpse of blond long hair.

"Found you!" he roared running after the memory mage who yelped and dashed out from his hiding place like a fox out of its cave. "You are not as good at hiding in a forest as you think you are!"

"I have always preferred cities over forests!" Rufus shouted and did his very best to run faster.

Since the ground was now easier to walk, Laxus grinned as the distance between him and the memory mage was slowly getting smaller. He could almost grab those long strands if he just reached out his hand!

Rufus jumped over a bush and Laxus was ready to do the same, when suddenly he saw a very clear closeup of rough knuckles. It felt like half of his face was blown away with a single punch that send him flying, crashing him heavily on the ground.

Orga chuckled looking at the lightning dragon slayer who had to take a few seconds before he could sit up.

"You should pick up someone on your own size to harass", the wild maned mage smirked.

"You fucking furry cap", Laxus grunted, spitting some blood and he brushed his bruised cheek. His jaw would definitely hurt for a while. Rufus had already disappeared, probably snickering smugly and damn did that piss him off! "Isn't this ganging up?" Laxus asked and he finally stood up.

"No, there's just you and me here after all. You just happened to run right against my fist", Orga said flexing his hand, making his knuckles crackle. "It would be different if we attacked you together with Rufus, but there's no need for that. I was following those kids when I heard Rufus' voice and I thought something was up. I was right. Seemed like he was carrying something, no wonder you were in such a hurry to catch him."

"I don't have time for a chit chat", Laxus grunted and it was really taking all of his selfrestraint so he wouldn't accidentally let out any lightning sparks. He had to try and stay cool. Orga was big but he wasn't stupid, he would probably try and anger him until he would accidentally use his magic.

"Well, you're not gonna get after Rufus either."

"I see... Guess I just have to kick your ass so hard you'll be glad there will be runes to protect you for ten minutes", Laxus smirked, surpassing his anger by focusing on a thought that Orga was actually someone to give him some real competition of all in their current opponent team.

"I'd like to see you try", Orga said amused. This was going to be a good battle and they both knew it.

Rufus kept running and now he was almost positive this would work! He was not that far from their home base after all. Oh how he was going to love it when he could -


Was it luck or quick reflexes, Rufus wasn't sure, but somehow he managed to dodge just in time when someone dropped down from the tree. But it did almost make him collapse and he stumbled against a tree, tightening his grip of the visor.

"You're hopping around like a masked rabbit, baby", Bickslow grinned as he straightened himself. "Did I scare you?" he cackled looking at Rufus who was panting.

"Anyone would get scared when something like that suddenly drops from the sky", he taunted with chuckle.

"Not cool, baby. That really hurts my feelings so I'm gonna hurt your head a little bit", Bickslow said and he was just about to dash towards Rufus, when a tumultuous roar filled their ears following with quick steps and rustles.

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