Chapter 13

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Two hours were up quickly and they had to return back to Teina's shop with empty hands.

"Seems like you guys didn't have any luck either", Roscoe huffed waiting in front of the door, Puppu resting on top of his head.

"We're no lucky", Peppe sighed flying beside the other doll, settling on top of it.

"We're no good!" Puppu wailed.

"Shut up already", Roscoe grunted. "I've been hearing that crying enough."

"Have you seen Ever or Bickslow yet?" Laxus asked and he was holding Felix on his shoulders and the boy was all worn out because of all the walking, leaning against his head and ready to fall asleep at any minute.

"Not yet, but they should arrive soon."

After few minutes, Evergreen appeared and she shook her head as an answer for their question about Chester. Right after that Bickslow found his way back as well and since he was alone, it meant they had failed their mission.

"Shit, I hate it when things don't go well", Laxus grunted annoyed as they stepped inside the shop.

"No one likes it when things don't go well, Laxus", Ever pointed out.

"Not all missions can always work out", Freed reminded. "This is a big city and I'm sure that even though he is young, Chester knows exactly how to move around here so he might not be in this area at all anymore. He might be anywhere inside this large city."

"That's a good point, baby", Bickslow said letting his 'babies' under his cape to take a nap. "Oh, by the way! I saw that Rufus the dufus guy from Sabertooth."

"What?" Laxus growled instantly frowning and Freed sighed. It seemed like Laxus wasn't yet ready to forget how Rufus tried to seduce Freed to go out with him years ago. Well, he shouldn't really be surprised, it was Laxus after all.

"We actually saw Rogue and Sting too", the rune mage said. "They told us they are on a vacation, guess they came with the whole team or he has his own businessess here."

"Makes sense. I wonder if Orga is here too", Bickslow smirked. "Would love to fight with him, last time he really torched my babies with his lightning when we were against each other in Grand Magic Games two years ago. I want a payback."

"We're not here to have battles", Freed reminded.

"You guys came back", Teina smiled as she finally appeared from the backdoor.

"Why do you leave your shop without anyone to keep an eye if customers come...?" Ever muttered.

"Actually, Chester came back some time after you all left", Teina smiled. "Isn't that funny? It's like he was waiting that you all would be gone before coming back to have a dinner!"

"I bet that's exactly what he did..." Roscoe murmured annoyed. "So where is he now?"

"He left."

"What?" they almost shouted.

"I did try to convince him to stay, but he didn't want to", Teina sighed leaning against the counter. "After all, he is really shy even though it might not seem like it. I told him that it would be good for him if he went with you to your guild but he didn't say anything, like usual. That boy rarely talks about anything."

"Maybe he didn't have time to say anything?" Ever snickered and Freed slightly poked her with his elbow.

"But he didn't seem like he was against it really", Teina smiled, not at all affected because of Ever's mutters. "I told him the name of the tavern where you're staying and said that he should drop by there. He might not say yes right away, but let him get to know you a little bit first. I'm sure he will come to see you guys."

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