Chapter 63

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On their way back to the guild house, Freed and Erza both stopped when they saw worried looking Wendy who ran towards them with Carla.

"Oh! You found him!" she said relieved and stopped.

"Yes, everything is fine now", Erza smiled. "He won't try running away again", she said looking at Freed who nodded. He had acted foolishly, he was aware of it.

"That's good", Wendy smiled.

"But sadly, everything is not just fine right now", Carla said with stern look on her face. "We got some new problems", she said and Wendy nodded.

"There's a storm coming", the blue haired girl explained and Erza frowned.

"Storm? What kind?"

"It smells really weird and I'm worried because of it", Wendy said and they quickly started walking again. "It doesn't smell like any normal storm, but it feels kinda like a sandstorm."

"But sandstorms don't occur in Magnolia, unless it's Max causing it", Freed said surprised.

"I know, but it's not Max's magic", Wendy sighed. "I don't recognize it at all and the storm is really powerful."

"I see", Erza nodded. "We'll prepare for it. I'll go find Warren, he can warn everyone and after that I'll go find Roxanne and Roscoe just in case. Wendy, you should go find Bickslow with Carla."

"Yes", Wendy nodded and Carla grabbed her, flying up in the sky.

"You go back to the guild house, Freed", Erza said to the rune mage who nodded. "Levy should be there too and others should come back soon after the warning. I'm sorry, but Laxus has to wait for a while now."

"No, I understand", Freed assured. "This is more urgent right now here, I'm also worried it might be one of Yuidose's generals who is causing that storm", he said as he could guess it was the first thing Erza thought too.

"I'll see you at the guild house then", Erza said and they parted their ways.

Bickslow was hovering in the air with his tiki dolls when he noticed something. Well, that couldn't be anything good. Still far away, but obviously quickly getting closer he could see some sort of storm coming. The sky was already filled with dark clouds but the rain had stopped a while ago. Whatever that storm was, it wasn't thunder clouds or such.

"Bickslow!" he heard a yell and looked at Wendy and Carla who were flying closer.

"Hey, baby", Bickslow grinned. "Did you see Freed?"

"He's already heading back to the guild house", Carla said holding a tight grip of Wendy.

"Great! But did you guys notice that?" the seith mage said pointing towards the storm or whatever it was.

"Yes", Wendy nodded. "We should go back to the guild house now! Erza went to find Warren so they can warn everyone and then she will go find Roxanne and Roscoe."

"So they think it might be Yuidose's doing", Bickslow hummed. "Whatever it is, it's coming this way and fast."

"We better hurry then!" Carla said and they left towards the guild house.

When they got there, Freed had already arrived at the yard.

"You made me worry, you nerd!" Bickslow yelled to him but then he cackled. "But it was also fun, do some little chasing! So, you okay now?" he asked as he dropped on the ground.

"Freed's a nerd!" his tiki doll giggled hovering around the rune mage.

"I'm fine", Freed assured. "I'm sorry because of my actions earlier, I wasn't thinking clearly."

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