Chapter 21

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Roscoe was panting heavily as he ran as fast as he could, trying to remember where their home base was. He had taken so many turns already and he couldn't stop to find out where south was, he wasn't even sure where the hell he was right now.

He could only keep runnig like a headless chicken and he had no intentions to slow down or he might finally get beaten up for good because of Minerva who was running almost right behind him. How could she still run like that, she didn't even look tired!

Roscoe tightened his grip of the red hat that he had somehow managed to snatch away from its resting place. Now he only needed to shake Minerva off but she didn't seem willing to cooperate with that.

The mage who had the power to command dead bodies looked around and he noticed two figures. Felix and Chester were walking ahead, not in a hurry and talking with each other. This might be the chance he needed. Roscoe took a quick turn and dashed through the woods.

Felix and Chester noticed the quick steps and looked at Roscoe who was coming closer.

"Roscoe! You found the flag!" Felix shouted excitedly when they also noticed what the man was carrying with him.

"And that scary lady", Chester said eyes widened when they saw Minerva who now stopped to look at the situation, but she was still dangerously close.

"I need you two to take care of this", Roscoe wheezed and he pushed the hat to Felix, who had to use his both hands so he could hold the hat and long pink feathers or he might trip on them. "Take it to the home base for me, yeah?"

"But... You found it", Felix said confused.

"But it's not against the rules to give that flag to someone else in a same team. I'll make sure Minerva won't come after you two, or at least that you will get enough time to escape."

"Are you saying you can't win?" Chester asked and Roscoe frowned.

"We don't have time for this", he grunted and turned around to face Minerva who was now walking closer, looking amused.

"You can try whatever you want but I won't let you carry that hat into your home base", she said.

"You can never be sure how things will turn out", Roscoe huffed. "Felix and Chester can take care of that flag, I just need to keep you here so you can't go after them."

"How noble. But you're no match for me."

"Then I can help", Chester said and Felix got surprised, as well as Roscoe. "Felix can definitely take care of the flag and we can hold you here."

"Oh my", Minerva chuckled and he was honestly impressed how serious Chester was.

"But we have to work together", Felix said worried.

"You can do it. You only need to go back to the home base, you know where it is."

"But it doesn't change that we were supposed to work together! You can't team up with Roscoe. We should bring this hat in to our home base together! It's... It's a rule!" Felix shouted.

"A rule?" Chester asked confused and Roscoe chuckled.

"In their family, rules are absolute", the black and blue haired man said. "And I highly recommend you to follow the rules Freed has set, for your own good."

"We have to go now so we can take this flag to our home base!" Felix said to Chester. "Before Minerva knocks Roscoe out! She might attack at any second and then it's too late!"

"Hey now..." Roscoe grunted.

"Okay", Chester nodded finally. "Let's make sure we win this game", he smiled and Felix grinned.

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