Chapter 90

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Whoo, chapter 90! Only ten chapters more and it'll be 100! I can't believe that's actually going to happen xD I've been updating a lot less lately as you have noticed and I've been thinking that I might try updating only once every two weeks. I hope that won't last long, but right now it feels necessary.

Thank you for all the comments and votes! ^^ I'll do my best to keep this story interesting!


The whole guild went back inside, letting Chester, Cana and Bickslow have a moment together outside. Mirajane and Lisanna went quickly to brew some tea in the kitchen, while others sat wherever they could while the couch and armchairs were left for Warrod, Makarov, Gildarts, Laxus and Erza.

Warrod hummed pleased as he sat down and looked around curiously.

"What an interesting old house this is", he said. "Sturdy, yet so comfortable. Something you could expect from houses up in mountains."

"Not to sound impolite", Makarov said. "But it is quite surprising to see you coming all to way here in Naava Town."

"I was curious", Warrod said while straightening his long coat. "We are very concerned in Magic Council about the situation what is happening in Fiore right now."

Suddenly his playful look turned stern and it surprised them all.

"And if I'm being completely honest, there is some personal matter too", he said, his voice almost angry and it made some of them gulp.

"About Fairy Tail?" Erza asked.

"What? No, no, no! I know you kids can take care of Fairy Tail", Warrod chuckled waving his hand. "Though I am deeply sorry of what happened to Madam Roxanne. I am of course aware I have left this guild long time ago already, but it doesn't mean I won't feel sadness as well when something like this happens", he sighed. "I might not have known her and maybe it sounds silly for me to say so but we have shared the same guild, maybe not at the same time, so it does make me feel like I too have lost someone who belongs to my family."

"We are honored to have you share this grief with us, it will give us strength", Makarov said bowing his head, they all following his example.

Warrod nodded and he huffed, frowning again.

"What I'm really worried about is what will happen to Elenbora", he said.

"I thought everything was fine?" Roscoe said. "Nothing has happened."

"And Jellal is there making sure nothing will happen", Erza frowned. "Has something changed?"

"No, nothing has happened", Warrod said shaking his head and his green hair rustled. "And hopefully nothing will happen."

"They told us they knew you", Freed said as Mirajane and Lisanna served tea and biscuits to everyone. "Sanchez – who was kind to let us stay in his and his husband's house – told us you were close friends with his father and grandfather. They were herbalists and Sanchez has followed their footsteps."

"Oh, were they perhaps weretigers?"


"I knew them well", Warrod chuckled. "Sanchez... I remember meeting him, he was just a little cub then, I'm surprised he remembers me."

Vellanja was about to say something when Levy quickly snatched her to sit on her lap. Obviously she was just about to mention something how anyone wouldn't be able to forget Warrod when meeting him.

"That big rabbit said something too", Roscoe said leaning against a wall.

"Mr. Trufflepompom", Freed nodded. "And miss Leticia", he said and Laxus let out a small growl. "They all told us how without your help, Elenbora might not even exist anymore."

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