Chapter 15

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Slowly but steadily there will be more chapters every week ^^ I hope you've enjoyed reading them. I know this story has moved a little bit slowly, but I'll do my best to make something happen soon. Thank you for reading this far! And thank you for all your comments and votes!


Laxus was still in a deep sleep and snoring low like a rumbling thunderstorm far above the sea. Or that was how Freed liked to describe it, Laxus knew very well that Felix described it only being an annoying gargle since he couldn't sleep while listening it.

The Thunder God grunted in his sleep when the bed moved and someone was crawling over him, forcing him to wake up.

"Dad? Are you awake?" Felix asked staring at the scarred face that was frowning.

"I'm not..." the big man growled and he turned to his other side, pulling the blanket over him better.

"Are you sleeptalking now?"

"Yes, go wake up mama..." Laxus grunted, stubbornly keeping his eyes shut and trying to hold on to his dreams that were drifting away.

"Mama is up already", Felix smiled leaning against Laxus' side. "Are you angry because I came to wake you up?" Felix asked a little bit worried and making the blond haired man sigh.

"No, I'm just tired and I haven't gotten any coffee yet", he muttered rubbing his face with his hand.

"Why do you drink coffee?"

"Dunno, guess there is so much rust in my old bones that I can't get them to work anymore if I can't get coffee."

"I knew it", Felix sighed with a serious nod and Laxus chuckled.

Felix hopped down from the bed and Laxus sat up stretching and scratching his head.

"Is mama downstairs?" he asked taking his shirt.

"Yes. Others are awake too so mama said I should come and wake you up as well. We're going to see Domus Flau today", Felix smiled excitedly. "Bickslow said that it is gigantic! Is that true?"

"Might be", Laxus nodded buttoning up his shirt and he took his big coat. "How big do you think gigantic is?"

"It must be bigger than the Guild House."

"Then it definitely is gigantic."

They stepped in the narrow hallway and down the stairs. There were much more people now eating their breakfasts and planning their works for this day. But it wasn't hard at all for them to find out their group, even without Laxus' keen sense of smell. Most of the customers in this tavern were travellers and they might sometimes have really interesting clothes, but Laxus had noticed it years ago that it was almost a law between mages to have extraordinary clothings. Was it some kind of a way to make sure it was noticed that they were not just ordinary people?

He thought back few years and remembered how flashy clothes he used to wear himself. Now it almost send cold shivers run down his spine. God, he even smoked cigarettes and wore jewelry. Did he really think he was looking so damn badass? But well, it was part of that stage of his life so why not dress up like a douchebag when he was acting like one?

They stepped closer to the table where others were talking.

"You're up, baby", Bickslow grinned when he noticed them.

"Yeah, how are you all up already?" Laxus grunted when sitting down and Felix sat between Freed and Ever. Chester was sitting between Bickslow and Roscoe, eating porridge. It seemed like Felix was not yet ready to forget whatever quarrel they had yesterday and just try to be friends with the little silver mage, so he was keeping the distance.

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