Chapter 50

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Chapter 50! I've really enjoyed writing this story, I really appreciate all the support I've had so I can keep writing it ^^ Last two months have been a little bit rough for me so writing this story helped me to not think too much. Things are finally starting to look better again!

Anyway, thanks for all the comments, votes and reading this story! Enjoy! ^^


"I don't like this forest!" Evergreen almost screamed as she slapped her arm again. Her skin was full of red little dots as all the mosquitoes in this whole forest were apparently trying to drink all of her blood.

It was around noon now and they had been walking all around the forest, but until now they had seen no signs of kalma-mounds. They had seen many other kinds of animals though and in a weird way, Freed noticed he had started to like this forest. It was ancient, full of things they had not seen before and once they got used to walking in there, they found many trails made by bigger animals that lived there.

"Don't be such a princess, baby", Bickslow just cackled and he was carrying Felix and Chester. His 'babies' were hovering around, exploring the area for them from a bigger range which made things a lot easier.

"Freed, can't you just use your runes?" Ever whined to the rune mage.

"For the last time, no", Freed declined, moving some branches away so it was easier for Bickslow to walk past the old spruces. "It would take lots of magic to hold up a trap that would keep them away and I don't like the idea of not having enough magic if we happen to run in any troubles."

"You're cruel."

"Hey, it's not Freed's fault that you decided to wear only a napkin here", Bickslow snickered. "Are you trying to look charming if Elfman happens to run by in a loincloth or something?"

"Shut up, you idiot!" Ever snarled her cheeks turning red. "I wear this because I like it!"

Freed rolled his eyes and he took off his red coat.

"Here, you can wear this if it helps at all", he offered and Evergreen quickly snatched the coat from his hand, pulling it on.

"Thank you, Sweetie", she purred all happy again.

"Ever is not good at forests at all", Felix chuckled.

"I wouldn't talk if I were you since you're being carried around", Ever reminded and Felix snapped his mouth shut.

"You have to start thinking more about what kind of clothes you wear when we go to missions", Freed said as they carefully walked down a small hill. "Proper shoes and... Actual clothes..."

"Oh like this coat and that cravat of yours are perfect for crawling in a forest?"

"I can always take my coat back."

"No no, it's really nice", Ever assured and Freed chuckled slightly.

When the ground was better for them to walk and not all full of moss, Felix and Chester slid down from Bickslow's back as they could walk by themselves now.

"So what are we going to do when we find that... What was its name?" Chester asked.

"Kalma-mound", Bickslow said. "We're gonna kick its ass and collect the poison of course!"

"We promised we wouldn't actually hurt them", Freed said and he carefully poked the ground with his sword, so there wouldn't be surprises like holes that were almost invisible now because of all the plants, grass and branches that had fallen from trees over the time.

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