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Showers feel so nice...

Now we get to be all nice and clean before we go to sleep little baby...

I wonder...if Jimin will want me to sleep with him again tonight...and give him more of those laying down hugs...

Oh wait.


That's what it's called.

Tugging your sweatshirt over your fresh underclothes and hanging your towel up on the hook you swiftly open your bathroom door and jump back at the sudden movement beside you, a small squeak of shock erupting from your lungs.



Watching the male scramble from his sitting position your eyes widen when you see Jimin's face light up in a deep blush, his chest quickly rising and falling from being startled.

"J-Jimin?! Wh-What are you doing?"

"Uh..I uh..um...hmm..."

Trying to calm your rapidly beating heart by relaxing your shoulders you watch Jimin's eyebrows furrow together in what seems to be confusion, his hand moving up to nervously rub the back of his neck.

"I uh....well I heard that your blood pressure could drop...f-from the heat I mean...s-so I didn't want you to fall...if you felt weird or sleepy or anything...or passed out...I was right outside the door...."

Feeling your gaze soften on the boy watching him avert his nervous shy eyes from making contact with your own you simply giggle and play with your sweatshirt, your lips splaying out in a wide grin.

"You were worried about me?"

"W-Well yeah! I mean...th-that's nothing to scoff at....wh-whatever. I-It's nothing. I-I'm glad you're okay."

Turning on his heels and quickly stepping out of your room your feet patter behind Jimin as he makes his way down the hallway towards his room, his shy pouty face turning to you once you make it into the dull colored cozy room.



"Thank you."

Hiding your hands in the giant pocket of the sweatshirt and wiggling your toes nervously against the carpet you watch a deep sigh exhale from Jimin's chest, his head tenderly nodding up and down in your direction.

"You're welcome Baby Mama."

"Did you get all your homework done?"

"Yeah, I didn't have that much anyway."

"Didn't you say that I could help you so I could pay off my phone?"

"....I only had one page."

"But you could have waited."

"Yah, you're supposed to be resting anyway so you don't need to worry about schoolwork."

"But I want to help so I can-"

"You have plenty of time to help me with my schoolwork but for right now the only thing you need to be doing is eating and resting."

Plenty of time...

Since I get to live with you from now on...

Softly sighing among his gruff tone Jimin steps forward and tenderly tugs you closer to him, his hand gently brushing up and down your lower back.

"You have three days left before you get to go back to school, so just really rest these next few days okay? Can you do that for me?"


Pushing your face into Jimin's chest and wrapping your arms around his waist you close your eyes and listen to the tender thump of his heartbeat, light tears welling in your eyes as you both slowly fade away to silence.

His heartbeat is so pretty....but there's something about it that's so sad....like it's waiting for something...or locked away somewhere far from here....



"Let's lay down now."

"I can sleep in here again?...."

"Do you want to?"

"Y-Yes. I-I do."

"Then yes, you certainly can."

Placing his hand on the top of your head and slowly rubbing the top of your head you excitedly hop up into the made bed and nuzzle deep under the covers, your happy smile fading when you see Jimin open up the medicine bottle containing your prenatal vitamins.

"I....I don't like those..."

"I know, but you really need to take these, they're on those papers you got from the doctor."

"They make my tummy hurt though...if I don't fall asleep fast then I get all sweaty and feel sick....."

Sitting on the bed with your vitamin and a glass of cool water Jimin chuckles to himself before grinning at you, his eyes visibly softening at your pouty state.

"Well then, we just need to make sure you fall asleep fast."

But then...I'll wake up and you'll have to leave...

"Fine.....I guess..."

Letting out a frustrated huff before hesitantly swallowing the pill in your hand Jimin sets the glass of water on the side table as he tenderly lays down, his fingers lightly tugging the hem of your sweatshirt.

"Okay, lay down. Let's go to sleep."

Do I actually get more of those cuddles?!


Oh boy!

Wiggling yourself underneath of the thick comforter as Jimin welcomes you into his embrace your ear is once again pressed against his chest, his low heartbeat thudding against the side of your head.

His heart is beating faster this time....

I don't really know what to do...

Oh goodness my thoughts are racing right now!

Burrowing you're face deeper into Jimin's chest and pulling your legs up you feel your own heartrate increasing, a small whine emitting from your lips into the silent room.

"Are you okay?"

"E-Eh? Y-Yeah...I'm okay..."

Shifting lightly so he's pulled away from you your eyes lightly travel up to Jimin's Ebony orbs shining with little orange flecks from his nightlight, one eyebrow raised in questioning.

"You sure?"



Before you lay your head back down to slip into the exhaustion slowly beginning to overtake your form your entire body jumps in shock when you feel a soft pressure press against your forehead, Jimin's hand slowly moving up to cup your cheek with his voice lowered to a tender whisper.

"By the way...Y/N-ah..."


"...Happy Birthday."

(A/N): Shorter filler chapter :3 teehee I know I increased my word count on the others but I decided to keep this one shorter :3

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