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Wow...everything is so pretty here...

Stepping into the small bathroom connected to the new bedroom you have been given you notice the fancy decorations and cloth shower curtain laced with Victorian patterns, the small shopping bag of soaps causing you slight confusion.

Wait...can I use these?

Picking up the bag and sheepishly stepping out of the bedroom you walk down the hallway to the living room where Jimin sits on his phone smirking at the screen, his eyes cutting up to you when he notices your form.

"What do you want?"

"Um..am I allowed to use this soap that was in the bathroom?.."

"I don't care. It isn't mine."

Oh...so there must be a bathroom in his room too...smart...

Nodding quietly and escaping back to the bedroom you turn on the hot water and sit on the side of the bathtub playing with your fingers, your new surroundings beginning to slightly overwhelm you.

What will I do for an entire month here?...

Jimin acts way different now than when I saw him at that party...

He was really sweet...and now...he's kind of mean...

I guess that can be expected though...I'm sure he wasn't thinking I would come and tell him I'm actually the loser that he goes to school with and I'm pregnant...I might be the same way if I were in his shoes....

Everyone wants me to get rid of my baby though...but why?

What's wrong with being a mom?

Is it so bad that I want to keep them and raise them?

I even said I would do it all myself and that I would be out of everyone's hair...yet they still want me to get rid of it...

Shedding your damp clothing and setting your sore body down in the hot soapy water of the bathtub you lay your head back and rest it against the cool shower wall, your eyes taking in every inch of decoration possible.

Whoever decorated this place is really good...mother never had things like this...and I was never able to have a room that looked so pretty...

I guess now..I'm fully free from everything I wanted to be free from...my plan gets to start early...I can just continue going to school and in a month I'll have a room at Minnie's new house she's going to buy...I hope it can look as pretty as this one does.

After washing your body and hair you wince at your sore legs when you finally step out of the water and wrap yourself in a fluffy white towel, your free hand moving down to massage the right muscles.

"Ah...I walked so much today..."

Slipping on one of your long sleeved nightgowns you lift yourself up into the big fluffy white bed and reach into your backpack to pull out the sweets Minnie bought you from the snack machine at the school, a small chuckle escaping your lips as you peel open the packaging and take a big bite of the cookie.

"Wow...this is really good."

Examining the food and taking another bite you set your backpack on the ground and allow your fingers to glide over the beautiful material of the comforter and all the small bumps of lace making up the obviously expensive blanket.

To think little baby...you and I get to sleep under something so nice, I'm happy!

Finishing off your first sweet you slide off of the bed and wobble over to the closet with white French doors, a small gasp escaping your lips seeing even the hangers your clothes go on match the decor of the room.

Wow...how to people get these kinds of things?!

There's no way Jimin could have decorated this so nicely...his room was messy when I was in it...and everything was so plain.

Did his mother decorate this for him?

Maybe she stays here sometimes?

That other boy Jungkook doesn't live here...so maybe this is just decorated for guests only.

Taking the hangers out of the closet and putting your few items of clothing you brought with you on them you try to keep your tears at bay as you clear your throat, a small pain beginning to ebb in your chest.

My little baby...I'm really happy before you're born you get to live somewhere like this...I know it isn't the best but don't worry, I'm your mama and I will make sure you are safe and have the best things I can give you!

Tonight however...you only get sweets.

Giggling to yourself and hanging your clothing up in the closet you take a moment to peek out the door and look at the tv where Jimin watches some random action movie, your eyes lightly looking at the back of his head.

I've never watched TV before...well once I did, Minnie let me watch a movie at her house and mother was NOT happy about that.

Quickly running over to the bed and grabbing the small white throw blanket off of the corner and wrapping it around your body you open the other cookie Minnie got you as you sit on the floor in the doorway of your new room and lean against the frame, a small jolt of excitement coursing through your body looking at the tv.

Now I can watch TV whenever I want to, right here in the doorway!

Maybe Jimin will get more comfortable around me...and I'll get more comfortable around him...then I can sit in the living room with him and we can watch movies together...

This could end up being so fun...if everything ends up going well...

I'm sure it will...

As long as I'm away from my parents...then I can finally learn about everything and not be known as the stupid one...or the loser...

Maybe I'll finally be someone that people can like...

Me and my baby...

(A/N): Sorry, awkward chapter 😅

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