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There's Jungkook!

...and Jimin.

Shoving the empty candy wrapper in your sweatshirt pocket and sitting up straight in the car you watch Jungkook calmly walk over to the side of the vehicle and open your door, his hand tenderly reaching out to guide you.

"I have to stop at my house before I go to Jimin Hyung's so you can get back in his car."

Oh no...I have to ride with Jimin..

Nodding softly and stepping out of the vehicle you quickly pad over to Jimin and turn to watch Jungkook slide into the drivers seat and pull away out of the parking lot, the air immediately growing tense once you and Jimin are alone.

Jimin is mean.

Turning to face the man beside you before you can get into his car he leans down and looks into your eyes, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"Seriously are you even an adult."

Before you can say anything back you feel your entire face erupt in a deep blush when his hand moves up to cup your cheek, his thumb swiping across the corner of your lip.

"You had chocolate on your face. Get in the car it's cold."

Moving your fingers up to touch the corner of your mouth you quickly slide into the backseat of the car and stare at Jimin who simply sighs and twists the key in the ignition, a deep scowl set on his handsome face.

I wonder if he's angry that I walked away from the chicken...I just wanted to see what cereal was...

The entire car ride back to the apartment is dead silent other than the occasional music Jimin plays on his radio, your hand staying on your lips the whole time.

He touched my face...

His hands are soft....

I wonder if he uses good lotion.

Once you both arrive at the apartment you follow behind Jimin with your few bags of food while watching him push his key into the door, a deep sigh escaping his lips.

"You need to put that stuff in the fridge. It'll go bad if you leave it out."

Oh...the fridge.

Silently nodding and entering the apartment once the door is opened you skip over to the fridge and set the bags down, a spark of satisfaction fueling the tender smile set on your cheeks.

All this good food for my baby.

You'll have all the best nutrients this world has to offer while I have you in your belly, but when you're here your mama will feed you little treats.

Picking up the heavy jug of milk out of the bag you slip it in the completely empty fridge and begin putting all the rest of the fresh ingredients away, taking a moment to examine ever piece of food.

This is so nice of Jungkook...he said he doesn't struggle with money and never will...I guess he must be rich too...

Mother was rich...she always had such pretty things to wear...and her and father always ate extravagant meals...

That wasn't my money though...

After putting away all the groceries and walking into the living room to head towards your room you stop when you hear Jimin's voice call to you, a slight tinge of agitation crawling up your spine.

"Hey, since I took you to the store and stuff you should tell me the answer to this question."


"I don't want to help you."

"What? Why not I literally took time out of my day to take you to the store for your weird shit."

"You left me standing by frozen chicken so you could go talk to a random woman. The only thing you did was take me to the store. You didn't help me do anything. I could have walked there myself if I really wanted to go."

"Oh come on I still took you and I was going to come back and help you find your weird food."

"....alright then. Fine."

Walking over to the textbook sitting on the couch you grab a pencil and begin writing on the piece of paper, a deep sigh of frustration apparent in the room.

He's so rude.

Sliding the book lazily off of your lap Jimin quickly grabs the book and looks at it in confusion, his head snapping up to look at you while pointing at your writing.

"What is this?"

"It's the formula for how you do the problem."

"I didn't want the formula I wanted the answer."

"And I didn't want to be stuck in a busy grocery store by myself standing there waiting for you to quit hitting on a lady. You helped me by taking me there, so I'll help you by giving you the formula. Figure the rest out yourself."

Out of your peripheral vision you can see Jimin's jaw drop as you head back to your room and slam the door shut, your foot connecting with a pillow on your floor from sleep.

Jimin is so mean.

He thinks I'm going to help him with his schoolwork that he refuses to do himself?

I've been stuck doing schoolwork my whole life, doing my own is enough!

He can do it all himself if he wants.

He should have paid attention in school.

Letting out a loud huff and bouncing your body onto your bed you lay down and cross your arms over your chest, your lip pushing out into a small pout.

What does he think I am, his personal tutor?

If he needs help with something he can ask nicely.

I don't mind helping someone with their work...because I guess that's all I'm good at...but still...he doesn't have to be mean to me then ask me to help him with his work.

Rolling over on your side and pulling your blanket over your body you curl up in a fetal position and hug the extra pillow you had kicked across your floor, your eyelids growing heavy with oncoming exhaustion.

I'm sorry your mama got upset little baby...I'll try not to be so angry about things...

We can take a nap together now and let Jimin have fun with his friend...I don't want to hang out with Jimin and make him think what he's doing is okay.

It'll be okay...two more weeks...then we can move in with Minnie...she may be acting strange..but in the end she's still going to be there for us...I know it...

(A/N): UwU

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