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"Y/N, meet Lily! Lily, meet Y/N."


Blankly staring at the beautiful pink marble stone headstone in front of you your entire body suddenly flinches with misery and sadness as your feet sink into the humid earth below you, misty tears welling in your eyes and threatening to spill over onto your cheeks.


"I know."

Flicking your heart gaze over to the boy who hangs his head in sorrow a small whimper hiccups in your throat seeing the change in his state, your hands balling into fists at your sides as Jungkook let's out a breathy sigh and avoids your eyes.

"This...This is my girlfriend."


Watching Jungkook slowly move to the side of the grave with little sprouts of grass grown in the patted down earth he sits down and gazes up at you, his eyes now swirling with the emotion you couldn't identify this whole time until now.

I see now...

Jungkook's eyes...they're...broken....that's the look he's had since I met him....

Taking a seat on the other side of the grave and patting your skirt down you nervously nibble at the inside of your lip and sniffle, your hand moving up quickly to hide your overpowering emotions.

"She uh...she was actually Jimin Hyung's age ya know..."

"Sh-she was?.."

"Yeah...she was older than me...and she liked to remind me of it too, she always called me "Jeongie" so I would have to call her Noona back...lily loved nicknames....."

By the look of her grave...it doesn't look like she passed away recently...

"How did you two meet?"

Flicking his eyes from the grave to look at you with a slightly shocked expression Jungkook warmly smiles back over at the headstone, his face moving over to rest on the cool pink stone.

"I was sixteen and she was seventeen."


"You two were so young..."

"Mmm...my Appa became a doctor when I was a child...and he very quickly became one of the best female doctors in Korea...he was in such demand that other countries were frothing at the mouth to have him in their hospitals....one day when I was sixteen he told me he wanted me to come with him to America to a seminar of doctors...at first I didn't want to go because I was a moody teenager but in the end he convinced me to go."

Oh...so Lily must not be from here...

"The seminar was really boring...but after the huge banquet my Appa and I were walking around talking to people and he introduced me to his friend Thomas he met from international medical school programs and I was introduced to his daughter...Lily."

"Oh...Lily is American?"

"Mhm...she was from New York City actually...and...the second I laid eyes on her...I was immediately smitten with her...just her very aura she had about her attracted me to her....she had this...undying innocence about her that was just so pure....like the world hadn't broken her spirit at all...I think she felt the same way about me though because after that her and I hung out in her fathers hotel room with her family until the sun came up and I had to leave....before we got on the plane to go back to Korea, I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she agreed before I could even get the question out."

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