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Finally....I've eaten....

But...I'm so full...I can't finish this...

Looking at the half of a pizza left in the box you feel your heart rate begin to skyrocket, your stomach so full it feels it could pop.

But if I don't finish it I'm wasting food...

I can't waste food or I'll get in trouble...

"Oh damn this pizza is thick. I can't eat it all."

Snapping your eyes up to look at Jimin who shuts his pizza box and leans back in his chair you gently furrow your eyebrows, confusion evident on your face.


"No way, who could possibly finish one of these pizzas, I got us extra larges with all these toppings."

He...doesn't have to finish all his food?

"I'll just save it for later."

Save it?!

For later?!

Watching him stand up with the box and padding over to the fridge Jimin simply pops the white door open and slides the box onto one of the shelves, his gaze turning to look at you staring at him in the kitchen.

"Uh...do you want to save yours?"


I don't have to eat all of that?!

I can eat it later?!

Quickly closing your box and walking over to Jimin he slides your box on another shelf and snorts lightly, a soft sigh puffing from his nose.

"I didn't think you could eat a whole one yourself, you're pretty tiny."

I can't believe this.

I'll actually have some of it later to eat!

Feeling a tiny ounce of excitement buzzing through your limbs you quickly take off to your room and dig through your bag, your fingers gently clasping around the round object.

I have to be appreciative...

Making your way back to the living room where Jimin wipes the table off and sits back on the couch you walk to stand beside him and hold out the orb, one of his eyebrows arching into the air.

"What...are you doing?"

"You uh...don't like cookies...so I brought you another orange."


"T-To s-say th-thank you..."

Looking at the orange then to you Jimin sighs sharply and shakes his head, his voice lowering your a strange tone.

"You don't have to thank me. At all. I just didn't want you to try and use the stove again and burn down the apartment."

Looking down at the floor and gently setting the orange beside him you begin to slowly back away and turn down the hallway towards your bedroom, your lips pushed down into a small pout.

He's mean.

But you got to eat little baby...so I'm still thankful to him...

Stepping back into your room and shutting the door you tug your tired body onto your bed and let out a deep sigh, a small whisper following the heavy breath of air.

Life is so frustrating...

Why is there so many things I don't know how to do?

How would someone even use a google?

And how is it supposed to help someone use a stove?

Shaking your head and throwing the red sweatpants off your legs before folding them to wear tomorrow you curl up under your comforter, your eyes blankly staring at the ugly clothes hanging in your closet.

My bed isn't as warm as Jimin's...I wonder how he gets his bed so warm...

Maybe a google?

It sounds pretty handy.

Gently closing your eyes and shutting off your table lamp you securely wrap your arms around your belly, a tiny smile cracking at the corner of your mouth.

My baby is growing...

Your mama can feel you...my tummy isn't as flat as it used to be...


Snapping open your eyes and sitting up in your bed you suddenly look around your room and whimper, your hands fiddling with your table lamp to turn it on as quickly as possible.

Why do I keep having bad dreams?!

They're so scary!

Pushing your hair back and heaving a deep sigh you slide out from under your covers and open your bedroom door, your eyes meeting a completely dark hallway.

Hmmm...Jimin must be asleep...

Gazing over towards his closed bedroom you carefully sneak over and open his door as quietly as possible to see the familiar warm glow of his nightlight illuminating his skin, his body relaxed and settled under his blankets.

...I don't want to wake him up...

Maybe he was only nice that one time because it was storming...

Padding across the carpet silently you turn your head to look at Jimin's dark hair swept over his closed eyes, your heart lightly skipping a beat at the sight.

....Jimin is handsome....his parents must look nice too...

Carefully crawling into the bed and trying your best to slide your body under the comforter you push yourself beside Jimin and try to keep your breathing low to not move too much, your heart slamming in your chest with nervousness.

Please don't wake up...please don't wake up...

Successfully getting under the blankets and placing yourself beside Jimin you let out a small breath and relax surrounded by the tender scent of his cologne, a small smile playing on your cheeks.

Jimin's bed is softer...and warmer....and...better....

Curling up beside Jimin and looking up at his relaxed face you tenderly reach out and push his hair out of his eyes, his body lightly shifting even further into the covers.

Jimin looks like a little boy when he sleeps...it's cute...

I wonder what made him so mean....

Could it be the flower on his back?

Allowing your eyes to follow the delicate vines traced in his skin you reach out and trace the letters written on his neck, your eyebrows furrowing together in light confusion.


What does that mean?...

Why would he get that on his neck?...

I wonder how they got that on his neck...

It's so pretty...

Curling up again and pulling the blanket over your body you smile to yourself and close your eyes, your body immediately beginning to drift back off to sleep at your newfound comfort.

I don't have the bad dreams when I sleep in here....

Maybe it's because this bed is so soft....

Mhm...that's it....


(A/N): UwU

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