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"Are you ready to go?"

Tying the shoelaces of your high top converse as quickly as possible with your new teddy bear tucked safely under your arm you look up at the impatient Jimin tapping his foot on the carpet, his thick bushy eyebrows arching up when you look at him.

"Y-Yeah...Wh-Where are we going?..."

"To a department store that carries food and appliances."

...Department store....

"Why are we going there?"

"To get food and appliances."

Some things never change.

Standing up with your freshly tied shoes and stepping in front of Jimin your heart skips a nervous beat when you hold up your teddy bear, your eyes rounding into a doe like gaze clutching onto your new plushie.

"C-Can I bring this with me?"

Flicking his eyes down at the teddy bear and letting out a slight snort Jimin leans down and looks at you, his lips tilting upwards in a slightly playful grin.

"Does it have a name?"

A name?

That's right...I need to name my teddy!


"What do you want it to be?"

"Well...a boy."

"Alright then, pick a boy name."

You feel your cheeks tingling in a light blush at Jimin's gaze that never leaves your face, his hand moving up to lazily clasp around his chin in slight impatience.

"C-Can I name it Jimin?"

"J-Jimin? Why would you give it my name?"

The boy seems thrown off by your request by the way his eyes lose the playful arrogance and glitter with slight confusion, his legs stretching back out when he stands up beside you.

"Well you gave it to me...so I can name it Jimin!"

"...isn't a teddy bear supposed to be named Fluffy or something?"


....that's boring

"Alright then....how about...ChimChim!"


"Yeah! It sounds like Jimin but it's cuter."

Staring up at Jimin with growing admiration you watch his lips stretch into a soft smile as he shakes his head and sighs, his hands shoving down deep into his jeans pockets.

"Fine by me. Now are you ready to go?"

"....Can I take ChimChim with me?"

"I don't care."

Hugging the teddy bear close to your chest and wiggling your legs giddily you nod at Jimin and widen your eyes when he suddenly leans down and gets dangerously close to your face, his gaze cutting over to look at your reddening cheeks.

"Are you ready now?"


The second the stuttered words leave your lips you let out a loud gasp when Jimin swoops his arms around your body and lifts you up into his embrace, you and your teddy now resting against his warm chest.

"Alright then. Let's go."

He's...he's going to carry me?...

Is he actually going to carry me?!

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