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"Oh, Y/N? Nice haircut!"


Turning towards the older male approaching you with a wide smile on his face you stop in the hallway to allow him to catch up to you, his dark hair bopping up and down happily with every step.

"Wow! Look at you! You're like a whole new person!"

He likes it....

"Thank you...do you really like it?..."

"Well yeah! Wow I can't believe this is even the same person look at you looking all pretty."


Your entire face explodes into a blush and you look away from Jungkook as you both walk down the hallway and you can feel the stares of people boring holes through the back of your head.

He said I'm pretty.

Jungkook thinks I'm pretty.

"How's the coffee shop going? Piper treating you well?"

"Oh yes! I love the coffee shop...Piper is amazing she's really sweet...she helped me uh..fix my hair and cut something called bangs."

"Have you never heard of them?"

"Uh...no...not really..."

"It's these silly goose."

Your eyes grow wide when Jungkook stops in front of you and tenderly grasps the shorter pieces of hair that frame your face, his warm ebony orbs sending your heart into a fit of butterflies.

"Oh....I...I've never really cut my hair before...I wasn't allowed to..."

"Really? Even though you're an adult?"


"Hey no judgement here. You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable with it. I like shorter hair on girls. My girlfriend has short hair as well."

"Oh? She does?"


Minnie said he has a pretend girlfriend...but Jungkook doesn't seem like the kind to make that up...

"Oh! There's Jimin Hyung, see you later Y/N."


Watching the boy scamper off to meet up with Jimin who waits at the top of the stairs you look over at the pair and sigh softly, a sense of longing ebbing in your heart.

I wish Jimin would let me hang out with him...everybody likes Jimin...

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hi Minnie."

Turning to look at the girl who hops over to you a sense of dread overcomes your whole being when she links arms with you and begins walking down the hallway, her usual peppy smile not bringing you any kind of comfort.

"Wanna grab some lunch?"

"......Minnie I have to work at the coffee shop..."


"Yeah...it's my job?..."

"Oh...well couldn't you be a little bit late?"

"Minnie you can't be late to a job I'll get fired that way."

"Okay gosh I was just kidding."

"You could come to the shop and sit at the tables though! You could even come meet my friend Piper she's really sweet-"

"I've never really been into coffee shops or libraries but thanks for the offer! I'll just sit outside today since it's a pretty day."

Slowly tugging your arm out of Minnie's grasp you see Piper walking towards the library and look at Jimin who sits at a table with Jungkook, his cold eyes moving up to meet your stare.


Quickly turning your head away you and Minnie don't speak another word until you begin to part ways, her tone lowering to a small giggly whisper in your ear.

"Hey, do you know Jimin's number-"

"Why are you interested in his number Minnie? How would I know that I don't even have a phone."

"I don't know I just wanted it gosh..."

"....I don't have it, and quite frankly Jimin asked me not to talk about his personal life so I would appreciate it if you quit asking me. I'm staying with him and the last thing I need is him being any colder to me than he already is."

You watch Minnie's entire face light up with shock as she nods her head silently and turns away from you, guilt and regret instantly overcoming your agitation.

"Sorry I asked."

"No Minnie-"

"It's fine Y/N! Don't worry about it okay? I'll see you after lunch."

Adjusting your backpack and lightly nodding in her direction you watch her turn and walk away from you, your eyes turning down to your shower shoes.

Oh no...I made Minnie sad...I didn't mean it...I just don't want Jimin getting angry at me...plus I already told her I couldn't give her the address...

When you look back up your eyes meet Jimin's again with his sunglasses down on his nose so he's staring directly at you as he reaches in his bag and pulls out the orange, your eyes widening when he shakes it and begins peeling the fruit.

Oh...he's eating it...

Before you explode with embarrassment you turn away from the cafeteria and quickly stride into the library where Piper quietly waits for you with her apron already on, a wide smile displayed on her pretty face.

"Aha! There's my favorite coworker!"

"I'm your only coworker?..."

"You're right, but you're stiiiilll my favorite!"

Chuckling lightly and dropping your bag behind the counter you tug out your apron and begin tying it around your waist, your heart still weighed down from your disagreement with Minnie.

"Oh don't worry about the shop during free period today, the cleaning team is going to disinfect the place so you can have all the sweets after this shift."

"Oh! Really?"

"Mhm. Would you like to spend free period with me today? I can show you some pictures of my family in Japan and we can snack out since we're missing lunch."

"Really?! You want to spend free period with me?..."

"Well yeah! You're pretty cool Y/N!"

Woah....Piper thinks I'm cool?!

"How about this I'll even bribe the lunch ladies to give us some leftovers. I know they have some."

"Bribe?...you don't have to bribe me Piper I would love to spend free period with you..."

"Oh really?! Sweet! Okay I have so many photos on my phone theres even this really cool old temple by my house that I always love to visit..."

Piper's voice begins to trail off in your mind as you stare at the girl and feel your lips stretch into a warm grin, your heart suddenly full to the brim with happiness.

Oh goodness...Piper...you have no idea...I don't think I've ever had a friend like you....

And I don't think I ever will...

(A/N): Someone stop me pls I've lost all self control

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