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(Jimin's POV)

"Oh come on a beautiful woman like you couldn't possibly be here all by yourself?"

"You're quite the sweet talker."

Smiling with satisfaction and keeping his arm clasped around the woman's thin figure Jimin opens his mouth to invite the woman over when a voice suddenly rips his gaze away from the girl, his head turning to look at Jungkook who walks up to him with agitation all over his face.

"Jimin Hyung. A word please."

"I'm a little busy right now Jungkook."

"Now Hyung."

"I'll see you some other time, Jimin."

As the woman wiggles her way out of his embrace and sends him a flirty wink on her way Jimin lets out a huff of frustration and turns his body towards his friend, his mood now completely soured and ruined.

"What was so important that you had to interrupt me I was getting somewhere with that chick."

"Seriously? Do you forget that you came here with someone?"


"You came here with Y/N to get her the things off of her list, which not that you give a shit but she didn't know what one Damn thing was on that list, and why are you even out this early you have never been a daytime kind of person other than school."

What kind of girl doesn't know what basic food is.

"I told her to stand over by the chicken for a second, and I don't know I got good sleep last night or something I was just awake alright..gosh."

"Hyung it has been over an hour. Y/N was standing by herself in this busy grocery store it's dangerous for women to be in the city like this by themselves. The only kind of girls that are by themselves in the city are prostitutes."

...oh damn.

"I was just going to get that chicks number then I was going to get Y/N her weird shit she needs she wouldn't stop asking me about the things on her list. I was even going to pitch in and buy her a candy bar for having to wait."

"....Y/N doesn't have any money Hyung. Seriously you can't have any self control for one afternoon? She told me you were even the one that offered to even bring her here."

"Yeah I didn't want her bothering me about the shit on her stupid list so I brought her to a grocery store to get it all."

Who talks about food when they don't even have any money to buy it with?

How was I supposed to know that kind of shit?

"Where is Y/N now then huh? Didn't you leave her standing somewhere so you could come tell me all this and ruin my chances with a chick?"

"As a matter of fact after I bought her the food she was looking for I put her in my car so she could have heat and not have to be in such a congested area she wasn't feeling good. She's also enjoying a candy bar, that I bought her."

.....well then...

Suddenly feeling awkward and out of place Jimin pushes his hands into his pockets while heaving a deep sigh, his mind in an inner battle with his now aching heart.


"Hyung I know it's your life, and I know you can make whatever decisions you want with your life and I am your best friend I love you, but you can't put Y/N in danger. From what I've learned she literally knows nothing about basic things in life. Just spending an hour with her I can tell that something about Y/N's upbringing wasn't right. It's like walking around with a small child Hyung."

"....so....that isn't my problem...."

"It isn't. You're right. It isn't your problem how she was raised or what she does, but if you're going to ignore her and potentially put her in danger then don't take her anywhere."

Swallowing hard and giving Jungkook a silent nod Jimin looks over at the cases of beer inside of the coolers, his finger outstretching with a small smile to try and break the tense environment.

"Do you...still want to get some beer and come over?..."

Watching Jungkook shake his head and pat Jimins back the two playfully punch each others arms and begin looking around at the different cases of beer, a small weight lifting off of Jimin's shoulders when the tense air disappears.

Thank goodness...with all of this going on the last thing I need is Jungkook being mad at me...he's my only real friend.


(Y/N's POV)

Wow...this candy is so good!

Curling up in Jungkook's warm car seat and tugging the wrapper of the candy bar down you wiggle your toes in your sneakers and giggle in the silent vehicle, the taste of the chocolate dancing on your tastebuds.

This is so yummy, see little baby didn't I tell you that I would feed you good things?

We need to make sure to thank Jungkook for all these wonderful snacks, I'm sure he spent all kinds of money on you and I today.

Maybe we can give him a cookie?

We still haven't given him one from last time.

Watching all the people pile out of the sliding glass doors of the grocery store you sink down and only allow your eyes to look over the dash of the vehicle, your arms protectively wrapping around your belly.

I don't like all of these people...

The grocery store isn't my favorite place.

My favorite place...is in Jimin's bed like I was last night...it was warm...and soft...the blankies are softer than mine are...I wonder how people make blankies that soft.

Are baby blankies that soft?

Because I want to wrap you up in blankies like that little baby, I think you'd really enjoy those.

I know I enjoy them...my blankies in my room are pretty soft too, but not as soft as Jimin's...

His skin is soft too...and it smells good...I wish Jimin wasn't so mean...he's so nice looking...

(A/N): UwU again

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