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(Y/N's POV)


I don't feel good...

Quietly holding your shoulder against the wall using it to hold up your body you take a moment to stop and try to clear your dizzy head, a cold sweat beginning to break out on your forehead and spread through your entire body.

Come on...I just need to go to class...I can sit down once I'm there...


Oh no.

It's him.

Anxiety suddenly clings yo your form as you hear the familiar cheerful voice coming from down the hall behind you, your arm quickly bumping you off of the wall so you can walk away.

"Hey! Y/N! Wait!"

No no no no.

I can't risk getting kicked out.

Jimin didn't want me to talk to his friend.


Barreling into the crowd going up the stairs towards the second wing of the school you try your hardest to hold onto the rail, your knees getting wobbly from your dizzy spell still continuing to tear through your body.

"Y/N wait!"

I'm sorry Jungkook!

I'm not trying to be rude!

Letting out a small gasp you trip on the top stair and land on the same leg you hit when you arrived at Jimin's apartment a few days ago, your teeth clenching in pain when you feel the metal rip connect with your knee.



Jungkook carefully leans down in front of you and begins picking up your books for you, his wide doe eyes full of concern.

"Are you alright?"


"This school really needs to fix these stairs, I don't know how many times I've tripped on them myself."


"Oh yeah."

Giving him a small smile and taking his hand he offers you to help you stand up you swallow hard and keep your books against your chest, your eyes lowering down to the shiny linoleum floor.

"I um...I'm sorry Jungkook...b-but I'm not supposed to talk to you..."

"Let me guess, my Hyung said that?"

You stay silent and keep looking down as Jungkook let's put a breathy chuckle and pats the top of your head, his body leaning down so he can look up into your eyes.

"What he doesn't know won't kill him. Plus he doesn't control me. He can't tell me what to do and who to talk to."

When he stands back up straight you follow him and feel the anxiety beginning to slowly wash away, the dizziness beginning to return along with the bulging pain echoing through your kneecap.

That's gonna be a nasty bruise.

"What...what did you want?..."

"Ah! Right!"

Watching Jungkook fishing through the pocket of his tight black jeans he pulls out a little crumpled piece of paper and holds it out for you, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"I know since you're living with my Hyung now you don't exactly have money and stuff like that...but I know the owner of the schools coffee shop and I talked to them at lunch today and they just had one of the seniors working there have to quit since they're transferring...so I told them about you and how you lived far away from the school..."


"I figured if you wanted it you could take the job. I know it doesn't pay like a ton of money but it's very low impact since you're...ya know...and you only work during breakfast, lunch, and the free period just making coffees..."

He's offering me a job?...

"There's another person that works there but they're going to be leaving soon as well but they'll be there to train you for a week or so before they leave."


"You don't have to take it if you don't want to...I know it isn't much but I figured it's something you might enjoy."

Reaching out and grabbing the small piece of paper you give Jungkook a genuine smile, your heart enveloping with odd emotions you've never felt before.

"Jungkook...Thank you...I...I'll take the job...wh-who do I have to meet with?..."

"Ah after school they'll be there for a bit to talk to you if you're interested but they said they would hire you immediately if you show up."

"Thank you...thank you so much Jungkook!"

You can't help the waves of happiness that crash over you as the dark haired boy shyly scratches the back of his head, his lips pursing together when he gives you a small nod.

"It's no problem Y/N...the city is really dangerous for women to go into so you don't want a job there nor do you really want to go around there by yourself. At least the school is safer."

Oh wow...oh wow!

Trying your hardest to keep your composure you give him a small bow and a wave when he begins descending back down the stairs, his bunny like smile beaming up at the top of the stairs where you still stand.

"See ya later Y/N."


Taking a moment you pull up your skirt and take in your bruised knee before you begin limping to class staring down at the piece of paper in your hand, your lips spreading out to the widest smile you've had in a long time.

I got a job...

Now I'll be able to make money and buy good food that my baby and I could eat!

This is the best thing ever!

My first job...

Jungkook is so nice...how could he be best friends with someone as rude as Jimin.

Oh well...if Jimin wants me to have a job and buy my own things...then I will.

He won't ever have to spend a dime on me.

Plus since I'm only a sophomore I can keep working at the coffee shop even after my baby is born...

Oh this is the best day ever...

Maybe...too....I can..buy me some pretty clothes to wear...then...I can look like everyone else...and be desired again...and be....pretty....

(A/N): this is my first time ever writing a story where the main character is rude, I'm honestly nervous but I hope I'm doing well so far with it.

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