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Wow...I'm actually going in to town.

With Jimin!

Excitedly gazing out the window of the car as Jimin swiftly turns into the parking lot of a store unfamiliar to you your toes wiggle around in your shoes, your eyes locking on all the different people walking into the store.

Wow....there sure is a lot of people here....

Wait...how will I walk through the store?

....Jimin can't carry me through a store...

"Stay here."

The second the words leave Jimin's mouth your good mood completely shatters into pieces watching him unlock his seatbelt and open his door, his sharp tone not giving much room for protest.


But I want to go!

"Jimin I-"

Pulling your head back when his door closes before you can intercept him your lip immediately pushes out into a pout, your gaze turning down to your teddy bear sitting in your lap.

...I guess I don't get to go in....

I would probably just get in his way anyway...I don't know a lot about these stores...

Suddenly your door flies open and you snap your head up to see Jimin leaning against the car, his eyes lazily flicking down to your sitting form.

"Unbuckle your seatbelt."

Do I...Do I really get to go in?!

As fast as your fingers can move you unbuckle your seat belt and turn your body so you're sitting towards Jimin, your eyes round glittering orbs gazing up at the now blushing man.

"I get to go inside?"


Leaning down delicately and lifting you back up into his arms you're swiftly set down into a metal shopping cart, your entire face now captured in gently confusion.

"There, now you won't be able to escape from me like you did last time."

Feeling your cheeks curl into a small shy smile you pull your knees up to your chest and fold your teddy bear into your embrace, your eyes never leaving Jimin's face as he pushes the cart inside of the store.

He remembers the last time we went to the store....even though it didn't go as good as this time....

"Alright first we're going to get a microwave."


Ah...I've seen mother use those before.

As you and Jimin make your way through the store you find yourself admiring the way he turns the carts slowly to avoid moving you around, your cheeks flaring to a deep blush everytime his eyes flick down to meet your glittering gaze.

Wow....Jimin is so handsome...

....I bet Minnie never got to go to the store with Jimin....

Curling your toes in your shoes and flicking your gaze back up to Jimin you let out a silent gasp when you see his fox-like gaze clasped on your small form in the cart, the corner of his lip twitching up into his familiar arrogant grin.

...he was staring at me...

Swallowing hard and trying to keep your erratic heartbeat at bay you tighten your arms around your teddy bear as Jimin chuckles and lightly shakes his head, his cheeks tinting the same hue of pink as yours.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"It's fun...and I've never been to a store like this before...so I don't know what to look at."

Chuckling at your honesty and nodding softly Jimin simply sighs and stops in one of the isles, his finger pointing towards the different appliances on the shelf.

"Which one of these do you like."




"They're all the same so just pick one you like better."

Gazing at the lines of microwaves in front of you your finger tenderly points at a plain black one in the middle, your heart swelling with warmth when Jimin nods in agreement.

"I like that one too. I'll have someone come and get one of those for us."

This kind of stuff is expensive....

How did Jimin get all this money?...

"Alright now onto the freezer section."

Strolling through the store swiftly and soon your find yourself thankful for your sweatshirt when the two of you enter the freezer section of the store, your eyes widening at the options of food in front of you.


"Okay see."

Lifting you out of the cart and setting you down in front of the freezers Jimin pops the door open and shows you one of the meals, his finger lightly tapping on the colorful packaging.

"See these are healthy meals, like you aren't dieting so you don't have to worry about the other parts but these things have like vegetables and stuff that you need. So pick some of these that look good to you."

"...but...but I don't know how to cook..."

"You don't have to know how to cook with these that's the point of the microwave, just pick some of these out that you think you'll eat."

I...I get to be the one to pick?...

Gazing up at Jimin then back down to the freezer you swallow hard trying to fight against your shyness, your feet lightly stepping closer to the male.

I don't know what any of this even is...

"Um...I...I've never...had any of this..."

"That's why you can just pick some out that look good, if you like them, then we'll buy them again. If you don't like them, then we won't buy them again."

Nervously playing with your fingers and keeping your gaze on Jimin you push your teddy bear against your belly and swallow hard, your entire neck flushing in a deep blush when Jimin leans forward and puts the meal in his hands back.

"Take your time, I know it's overwhelming."

When you turn your head back from the food to Jimin your eyes widen in shock when you realize how close his cheek is to your face, your lips pressing into a thin hard line watching his eyes flick through the different boxes of frozen food.

Jimin...why are you suddenly buying all of this for me....

You're...you're making my heart feel strange...and my tummy fill with butterflies....

But I...I like this feeling...

I like when you stand close to me....and most of all...

I like it when you smile....

(A/N): An update for my babies 💜

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