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"Hey Y/N!"

"Hey Minnie..."

"Hey me and a couple guys are going to the beach after here with some drinks, wanna come?"

"Minnie...I can't drink."

"Well you can still come party it up with us! Plus some of these guys are really cute you might like one of them."

".......Minnie I'm pregnant. I can't party or meet guys I'm trying to graduate..."

Minnie's lips purse into a thin line and she shrugs her shoulders while walking outside with you, her arm bumping into yours playfully.

"Hey Minnie...can I ask you something?"

"Sure! Anything Y/N."

"Is it inappropriate to wear that red dress you gave me?"

"Wait do you mean like here?"


"Are you crazy?! No way! Ella is still hot on your tail trying to find you."

"Why would she still be after me?...I didn't even do anything.."

"Because after Jimin...ya know slept with you he hasn't ever even looked in her direction and they used to get together a lot in between his other chicks."

He...hasn't been with her since me?...

"Look Y/N you need to keep yourself on the down low. Don't do anything drastic or attract attention to yourself or Ella is going to find out who you are."

"Drastic? What's drastic?.."

"Like makeup and stuff like that."

"I don't even own anything like that.."

"Look just from what I've heard keep on the down low because whatever infatuation she has with Jimin it's gone from weird to super weird. Just be careful."

But my clothes are too tight...I don't have anything else...

"Okay Minnie...thanks..."

Watching her bounce away in her tight dress to join the group of guys all piled up in a convertible car, her hearty giggle able to be heard all around.

Minnie did say once I was free we would do fun things together...she's a good friend...but my life is going in a different direction...Minnie gets to live fun and fancy free...whereas I have to be careful what I do with my body...but it's okay...she's still supportive...

Quietly walking down the sidewalk by yourself kicking a rock down the concrete you turn the corner and look up at the black car sitting with its tires against the curb, Jimin's thin body leaning against the vehicle.


"Took you long enough."

He....waited for me?...

"Get in and hurry up I have shit to do."

"Why...why didn't you just go home?..."

"Because I don't want to hear you bitch and moan about your legs hurting now get in the car before I leave you here."


Quickly scampering over to the car and sliding into the back seat you hold your backpack against your stomach and watch Jimin sigh and start the car, his hand pulling off his expensive sunglasses and throwing them over into the passengers seat.

"Be faster next time I almost got seen by so many people."

Next time?...


The entire ride home you sit quietly in the back seat and listen to the heavy rap music Jimin blasts through his phone, his face the whole time set in a scowl staring at the road.

He really waited for me...so I didn't have to walk...

Feeling yourself crack a tiny smile you get out of the car when you both get home and when you enter the apartment you pull out a cookie from the bag of sweets and hold it out in front of Jimin, his eyebrows creasing together in confusion.


"Want one?"

"Why would I want that."

"Um...I don't know...I don't even know what it is but it smells good..."

"You don't know what a cookie is?"

Embarrassment encases your whole form and you simply shake your head while looking up at Jimin, a small arrogant smirk appearing on his face.

"Who doesn't know what a cookie is?"

"Someone who's never had one before.."

Sending Jimin a frown and setting the cookie down on the table you huff and make your way to your bedroom while shutting the door and unbuttoning your skirt as fast as possible, the red lines on your skin slightly burning and itching.

Ouch...I need to find some different clothes...these are so small I can't even breathe in them...

I would ask Minnie...but she wears extremely tight clothes...Mother made my clothes so small...

After shedding the heavy denim material you pad over to your mirror and sit down in front of it, your hand carefully trailing along your cheek that seems to glow with the light puffiness of gained weight.

My face looks pretty...my cheeks aren't sunk in anymore...they look...cute...

Running your fingers through your long hair and giving it a scowl you stand up and look around the room, your teeth beginning to nibble at the inside of your lip.

Mother liked it when my hair was this long...but I don't like it.

I don't want it.

Quickly walking into the bathroom and searching through the drawers you pull out a pair of scissors and look up into the vanity mirror, your head lightly turning to the side to see the long locks trailing down your back.

I don't want to be this anymore.

I'm not who my mother forced me to be.

I don't have to be who my mother forced me to be.

Wrapping your hand around one side of your hair before having any second thoughts you clash the scissors with your hair and feel the heavy chunk leave your hand and fall to the floor at your feet, a small giggle echoing through the room when you see your hair hit your collar bone.

"Haha...I...I have control. I have control over how I look. Nobody can tell me otherwise."

Gripping the other side of your hair and being careful to cut it the same length as the other side you push your fingers through your thick locks and stare into the mirror, a small seed of pride blossoming in your chest.

Right...I can control what I do.

Mother can't tell me not to cut my hair.

Mother can't tell me not to eat sweets and delicious boxes of food from my friend...

She can't tell me anything.

I am me.

I...I am me....

(A/N): cHaRaCtEr DeVeLoPmEnT

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