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"Jimin! Wait! Wait a second!"

Honestly can't she take the hint?

Keeping his hands shoved deep in his jeans pocket Jimin doesn't give the female approaching him any attention until she finally catches up with him and steps in his path, his feet forced to stop in front of her tiny body.

"You didn't hear me silly!"

Everyone within a hundred miles of here heard you.

"What the hell do you want Minnie."

Taking a step back from the girl to avoid her thick perfume all over her body a sour look crunches Jimin's features when he sees her hold up a styrofoam box in front of him, her smile flipping his stomach.

"I was just wondering if you ate already, I went to an expensive restaurant and picked up some of their finest chicken fried rice. I saw you sitting alone at lunch and figured you would want to eat!"

...this chick has zero boundaries.

Slipping past her and lightly bumping her shoulder with his Jimin shakes his head in disbelief and sighs, his mood souring further by the second.

"I don't want any of that. I have better things to do right now so if you would please bug off I'd appreciate it."

"But this rice is so expensive! I would hate for it to go to waste!"

She doesn't even know.

Tightening his jaw and balling his hands in his pockets into fists Jimin glares down at Minnie when she steps in front of him again, her mischievous glint in her perfect round eyes sending his mood over the edge.

"But if you-"

"Listen, bitch."

Grabbing the rice from her hands and slamming it down into the trash can beside him Jimin watches Minnie gasp and back away from him, her flirty facade fading as fast as she was able to put it on.

"You know I was IN the cafeteria right? Do you also know I saw you walk in the library and try to give that shit to Y/N? Then take it back when she didn't eat it? Do you honestly have no idea that she doesn't eat rice for whatever weird reason?!"

Jimin's voice booms down the echoey hallway and bounces back in their direction as Minnie brushes her mini skirt down and sighs, the corners of her eyes turning down in a slight glare.

"I tried to get her some food but she didn't like it, so I figured-"

"No, you figured that you would get her food that she didn't like on purpose so she wouldn't eat it then try to give it to me in a desperate attempt to have a conversation with me."

"It isn't my fault she didn't like it!"

"It's your fault for buying it for her!"

Gritting her teeth in agitation and balling her hands into fists Minnie heaves a deep sigh and stands her ground, her arms folding in front of her lightly exposed chest.

"So what? Just because Y/N didn't like it now you're going to stand by her? I didn't take you as the type to fall for someone?"

....she's trying to put me in a corner.

"Did I ever say I was falling for her? I simply don't want your manipulative sloppy seconds."

Pushing past her again and roughly pushing his fingers through his hair Jimin freezes when Minnie speaks again, her voice carrying his heart into a frenzy of rapid beats.

"You're not someone Y/N would ever even fall for. She would take any kind of attention she could get. You don't know her Jimin, Y/N has been so abused she doesn't even know the basic necessities of life. You have no idea who she even is."


Turning to the girl and giving her a smirk Jimin nods his head and sighs, his stares collapsing Minnie's arrogant stance.

"And you wouldn't take any attention you can get? Do you forget we went to highschool together?"

"That isn't the point-"

"That's EXACTLY the point Minnie, you switched schools to be in an opposite high school as Y/N, but by chance ended up in the same school as I was, this university? It's not a coincidence that you ended up here in the same school as me, but you don't like that Y/N goes here too, so you've spent these years turning everyone here against her so you can remain the top dog because you and I both know,"

Stepping closer and closer to Minnie until she's backed all the way up against the wall Jimin leans down and looks into her shocked gaze with a deep glare, his voice so low a pin dropping would be louder.

"She's fucking gorgeous."

Minnie lets out a deep sigh of shock and her bottom lip starts quivering as Jimin tilts his head to the side and chuckles, a small hint of satisfaction rising in his chest at her lack of confidence.

"What's wrong Minnie? Can't come up with anything?"

"...You're an asshole Jimin."

"I know that. You aren't the first to call me that."

Pushing himself off the wall and walking back down the hallway Jimin sighs and closes his eyes, his head leaning back to relieve some of the pressure in his shoulders.

"Why did you sleep with Y/N that night. And why haven't you slept with anyone since? Everyone at the school is talking about it Jimin. Everyone is wondering what happened to you."

Stopping in his tracks one final time and turning around Jimin scratches the back of his head and licks his lips, his gaze sticking to the tile floor underneath of him.

"Well...I guess I haven't found someone more beautiful than she is to sleep with. Although I've been with a couple girls since meeting her....just not much anymore, you're all boring."

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into Jimin. Y/N has been so-"

"Abused? Are you honestly going to expose someone you call your best friend about something as personal as that? Honestly you are the most disgusting woman I've ever met in my life."

Trying to leave Minnie standing in the hallway dumbstruck Jimin puts his finger in the air and turns around while stepping backwards towards the deans office, a small grin cracking on his cheeks.

"Oh and by the way, Jungkook isn't the one that got her those clothes, I was the one that got those, and bought those for her, just to clear that up."

Turning away from Minnie and turning around the corner away from the girl Jimin adjusts his bag on his shoulders and frowns deeply, the feelings in his heart causing him to lightly wince and grip his chest.

God I hate that woman.

She's never changed since I swear middle school.

Y/N deserves better than that bitch.

I guess she's just never seen what a real friend is.

I got lucky to see that in my life at least.

(A/N): I cannot wait to read all the comments I am honestly excited

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