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"Here...one Americano."

Sliding the plastic coffee cup to Minnie who has a seat pulled to the end of the bar you give her a small grin when she wiggles her eyebrows and takes a big drink.

"Wow look at you, who would have thought a few months ago you would be here all Miss independent making coffees."

"Yeah...everything is different..."

In many way...

"Ya know you're gonna get a lot of attention wearing stuff like this now."

"....I am?"

"Well yeah I mean look at you, all dressed up nice in these pretty clothes, you'll have yourself a boyfriend in no time."

Feeling your cheeks heat up to a light shade of pink you simply let out a breathy laugh and shake your head, your hand pushing the little rag across the counter to clean it.

"I'm not worried about those kinds of things Minnie."

"Oh come on! Don't you want to like...go out on dates and meet new people since you're free?"

"I'm not exactly free Minnie. I have things I need to prepare for and learn about before I can be free."

"Wow...you sound so grown up now."

Smiling to yourself and nodding at Minnie your eyes move up to see Jungkook happily walking towards you at the counter with a wide grin on his face, his allow leaning on the counter when he finally reaches you.

"Hey pretty girl."

"H-Hi Jungkook..."

"I was just coming to check on you, I'm going to be gone the rest of the day after this so I was wondering if you needed help with anything."

"No...I'm fine...do you want a coffee before you go?"

"Hmmmm...how about a hot chocolate with extra tiny marshmallows?"

Marshmallows...the small white powdery tasting things.


Waddling over to the hot chocolate packs stacked nicely in their boxes you begin making Jungkook a hot chocolate and notice him nor Minnie spare a single glance to eachother, the air in the room growing awkwardly silent.

Won't Minnie say hi to Jungkook at least?

Does she really not like him that much?

"H-Here you go..."

Sliding the glass in front of Jungkook carefully you watch him pull some money out of his pocket and slide it towards you along with the cup, his eyes turning up into small happy half moons.


"It's for you to enjoy."

"But I can get myself one if I want one...You don't have to spend your money-"

"Then make it a tip so you have some cash. It's wrong not to leave a tip when someone does a service like this. Enjoy pretty girl, I'll see you later on okay?"


Reaching over the thin counter and patting the back of your head you nibble the inside of your lip and slide the money in the pocket of your skirt, your heart warmly thumping in your chest.

He's so sweet...

"Wow, it looks like loverboy likes you."



"I mean did you see the way he was looking at you? If you didn't notice that he likes you then you're blind."

"He doesn't like me Minnie. Jungkook has a girlfriend."

"So? He's best friends with Jimin. There's no way he's faithful to his so called "girlfriend" that nobodies ever seen."

Turning your lips down in a frown and looking over at Minnie who stares at her pink nails you let out a small agitated sigh while pushing the cup of hot chocolate to the side.

"Jungkook doesn't like me Minnie. He doesn't look at me that way, he looks at me like a friend."

"Really? Because to me it-"

"It didn't look like anything because it wasn't anything. Jungkook is a good person. Just because his friend is different doesn't mean he's the same way. Now can we please not talk about that? If Jungkook wanted you to know about his girlfriend I'm sure he would have introduced her."

Staring at your friend who opens her lips in slight shock she nods lightly and takes another drink of her coffee, her perfectly arched eyebrows pushing up dramatically.

"Alright gosh...I was just saying....plus I've never spoke a word to the guy."

I wonder why he hasn't spoke to you before...shocking.

Scratching the back of your head and taking a sip of the hot chocolate the room falls silent for a few moments until Minnie stands up and shakes her cup, her lips pushing up into a warm grin.

"Okay girlie I'm gonna head out since my class is like half a mile away from here, I'll see you at lunch okay? I'll bring you something here so you can eat."

"....That sounds good...but you don't have to bring me anything Minnie-"

"No I insist, I'm sorry I made things awkward while you were trying to work. I'll see you later!"

"Okay...s-see you later..."

Watching Minnie turn on her spike heels and begin walking out of the library with her cup in hand you sit down on the little bench behind the counter and heave a deep sigh, your hands grasping the warm cup Jungkook left you to take a small sip.

Jungkook left me money....and Minnie didn't...

Well nobody leaves me money actually...it must be because Jungkook is such a nice person...he's caring...

Were his words meant to be cutting?

His tone changed when he say Minnie sitting at the end of the counter...and he didn't talk to her once...Jungkook is always very outgoing with people...I've seen him even help them teachers in class just because they were having a hard time...

Fishing the money out of your pocket and gently grinning to yourself you take another drink of the hot chocolate, your cheeks warming up from the beverage.

Jungkook really is sweet though...his girlfriend is lucky she has him....

I know Minnie is wrong, Jungkook wouldn't make up something like that...he's handsome enough that he could have any girl that he wanted...kind of like Jimin....

Maybe that's why they're such good friends....

(A/N): I'm sorry it's taken me a bit to update, even though this story has a lot of chapters, I'm kind of at a crucial part and I don't want to rush it, we're...kind of in the middle I think 😂 but just know I'm not being lazy! I'm just making sure I have everything right to not mess up the story!

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