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(Jimin's POV)

"Jimin! Jimin wait!"

I swear this is the most I've had to talk to this bitch in my whole life.

"Jimin come on wait!"

"I've already told you more than enough times that I don't want to talk to you."


Grabbing onto his sleeve with her perfectly manicured hands Jimin immediately yanks his arm away from the girl and violently turns around, her entire face glowing with shock when two of her nails clack against the tiled floor.

"...Jimin this is ridiculous. Why are you acting this way you've never been this rude to me before!"

"You know the exact reasons why I don't want to speak to someone as sinister as you."

"We were kids in highschool! I can't go back and change things!"

"You haven't changed anything! You're still the same lying bitch I met back in middle school. You just grew up and get away with it now."

Standing toe to toe with Minnie in his face Jimin keeps his deep glaring expression until the girl sighs and backs down, her hands reaching up to smooth down the top of her hair.

"I have tried for so many years to look like a better person to you. I have tried."

"Really now? Spreading rumors around this university about my best friend? Do you honestly think I don't know who is the main cause of that? The main cause of people avoiding him like he's some kind of a psychopath?"

Balling his hands into fists at his sides and feeling his blood begin to boil in his veins Jimin glares down at Minnie, her own face holding nothing but a blank expression.

"I just want to know if Y/N is okay."

She sure is on Y/N like hungry.

I wonder...

"She's fine. She's actually resting."

"Resting? Is she sick?"

"I wouldn't say that. I guess in life if you're starved half to death and everyone refuses to help you at some point you would have to stop moving your life forward completely to get better."

The second the words leave Jimin's mouth Minnie's entire body flinches and she tightens her lips together in a thin hard line, her eyes glassing over with a thick sense of guilt.

"....It isn't that I refused to help her."


"....Does Y/N....ever do this around you?"

Crossing his arms defensively and watching Minnie stand back and carefully cross her arms over her stomach Jimin's scowl completely leaves his face to be replaced with shock, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down with a hard swallow.

"...Yeah she does that."

"Well it isn't just because she's pregnant. She's done that her whole life because of what her mother used to do."

".....What are you talking about."

"I don't even know if I should tell you this because it's her personal business but I've told you before Jimin Y/N isn't a normal person. When we were little I tried to help Y/N, but we...we were just kids."

"Look of its her personal business I don't want to know-"

"You have to know this, because I'm not a monster Jimin trust me I tried to help Y/N. One night...we were seven and nine...Y/N was allowed to come over to my house for one night and my dad...he bought us snacks it was two bags of gummy candy and I gave Y/N one and told her to eat some that she was too skinny."

....I don't like where this is going.


"Jimin just listen to me for a second. Y/N ate that entire bag of gummies in like two minutes and I was so happy to see her eating food. I thought I could help Y/N secretly gain weight and be healthier....but it didn't work."

Pushing her fingers through her hair and holding back tears Jimin's expression softens at the thought of Y/N, his arms uncrossing to only rest at his sides.

"That morning at school I sat with Y/N at lunch and she was acting weird like almost listless she had no expression on her face and she wasn't eating lunch. I saw her crossing her arms over her chest and being a child I just kind of asked her what was wrong...and..."

"Get on with it."

"Her mother somehow found out that Y/N had eaten food other than that disgusting rice and...Jimin she punched Y/N in the stomach until she threw up the food and then made her clean it up and didn't feed her for three days as a punishment. Until I brought her to your party that's the last time Y/N was allowed at my house. It isn't like I didn't want to help her my father tried to call child services for so many years but...her mother is a sinister woman. She knows how to make their life look perfect."

...Oh my god....

Nervously rubbing the back of his neck at the newfound sorrow clutching at his throat Jimin swallows hard and tries his best to control the tears trying to well in his eyes, his gaze flicking down to the time on his watch.

"Look Minnie, I'm happy you told me that story to make yourself seem more noble but it doesn't change my opinion of you, if anything my eyes have been opened to some different things. I still don't want to speak to you."

"I- Jimin! I didn't want to-"

"You had the opportunity to help her since you left highschool and you didn't. What happened when you were seven and nine makes no difference because it happened to her until she's twenty. You've done nothing but hinder her, although I guess even though I hate it I can thank you."

"Th-Thank me? For what?"

Stepping up to the girl and leaning down to her eye level Jimin's own sinister gaze returns to his eyes as he flicks his tongue against his teeth and lowers his voice to a dangerous whisper.

"Because since you brought her to my party, she's now resting comfortably in my bed."

"Y-Your bed?!"

"What's wrong? Upset?"

".....You're such an asshole Jimin!"

"And you've had a house since you were eighteen years old, I guess all of us have our devious sides don't we Minnie."


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