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(Jimin's POV)

What an odd girl...who has never eaten a cookie before?

She acted like it was some kind of alien substance.

Walking over to the table and picking up the cookie Jimin rolls his eyes and throws it in the trash before walking over and falling on his couch, his phone buzzing in his pocket gaining a heavy sigh from his chest.

Oh...it's her.


"Is that anyway to greet your mother Park Jimin?"

"What do you want Mother."

His tone is anything but cheerful as he hears the woman scoff in his ear, her voice getting higher pitched with obvious agitation.

"I received your transcripts today."


"I told you I wanted you to get your grades up and this is hardly up. You're failing many of your classes."


"Park Jimin! Quit being so coy and get your grades up. I don't have you living in that apartment so you can flit yourself around to the public I want you to get your grades up."

"Yeah have you ever considered that I like don't want to get my grades up?"

"....if you are going to take over the family bus-"

"It's not the family business it's my fathers business. And I don't want to be a lawyer have you taken that into consideration?"

"Nonsense. Your father and I had a very clean cut plan for your future and I will keep it in fruition."

"Don't talk about my father."

"Park Jimin get your grades up! I am paying a lot of money for you to attend this college I expect to see results!"

"Yeah? So what if I don't?"

".....get your grades up or I am cutting off your cellphone and I will hire you a personal male tutor you can sit in that apartment with and you won't have to attend that college. We can easily switch to online classes to avoid any distractions."

....she honestly.

Jimin sits back on the couch and feels his blood boil with irritation as he looks at the time and groans, his free hand moving back to scratch the back of his neck.

I'm already stuck living with a random chick the last thing I need is a dumb tutor.

"Fine. I'll get my grades up."

"Good boy."

Good boy my ass.

"I love you son-"

Before his mother can finish her statement Jimin clicks off the phone and flings it across the apartment so it hits the wall and shatters into tiny pieces, the loud sound making him slightly jump.

I don't need her cellphone.

Turn it off if you want.

I don't want the piece of shit anyway.

She's trying to control me with money that isn't even hers.

With a business that isn't even hers.

"Jimin?...is everything okay?..."

Turning his head to look at the small girls head popped out from her doorway he sends her a glare and nods sharply, his cutting tone making her pull back with slight fear.

"Everything's fine just worry about yourself."


After the girl disappears back into her room Jimin crosses his arms and sits down on the edge of the couch, his fingers clasped together sitting on his lap.

Who does she think she is telling me to get my grades up?

Who even gives a shit about grades.

I don't even want to be a lawyer.

I'll just end up like her.

Or like him.

Looking down at the floor and feeling his anger soon turn to sadness Jimin turns on the TV and swallows hard, the vein in the side of his neck poking out from how hard he's clenching his teeth.

I don't want to be like them.

I want to be free.

Getting up from the couch and walking over to the phone Jimin quickly dials the number and leans up against the wall, his foot impatiently tapping on the carpet.

"Yes Jimin?"

"Hey...JiYoung...wanna come over?"

"I thought you'd never ask, want me to bring the drinks?"

"You know it."


(Y/N's POV)

Gosh...I wonder what made Jimin so upset?...

He looked really sad...

Sitting back down on your bed where your books are all laid out you take another bite of the cookie in your hand and giggle quietly to yourself.

Although I didn't see the cookie on the table anymore, maybe Jimin enjoyed it.

Happily flipping through the pages of your book enjoying the freedom of your new haircut you can't help but reach up and push your fingers through it, your entire body filled with a newfound sense of pride.

I wonder if Jimin noticed my haircut...he didn't say anything...but he also looked pretty upset...oh I wonder what Piper and Jungkook will think!

Come to think of it....I haven't seen Jungkook even at school for a couple days...I wonder if he's okay-

Soon your thoughts are interrupted when you hear the soft giggle of a woman coming from the living room and you practically choke on your cookie, a heavy sense of dread weighing down your good mood.

Not this again!

No no no no no no no no no!

Grabbing your books and bolting to the bathroom you glare at the wall while turning the shower water on full blast, a deep sigh echoing through the empty bathroom.

Why won't he just go to his room?!

Does he do this every day?!

Pressing your back against the cool plastic side of the bathtub you pull your sweater up to reveal your belly already swollen from weight gain, a small playful smile dancing along your lips.


Do I get to see you early?

I guess since I don't have a lot of weight on me I get to see you sooner than some do little baby.

You're making your mama's clothes not fit her very well.

I still have a week and a half until I get paid the first time...I guess I'll just have to make my clothes last until then...

Laying your head back on the side of the tub and rubbing your hand along your small belly you stare up at the ceiling and sigh, your eyelids already growing tired from the day.

I've had a somewhat terrible day...but that's okay...everyone has bad day sometimes...not everyday can be perfect like we want it to...

But one day...I'll have a good day...and I'll be able to go to sleep with a smile on my face...

One day....

(A/N): No JiYoung means nothing in this story I just couldn't come up with a name so I picked one off the top of my head but she isn't a main character I promise 😂

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